Canada ranked third overall but 26th in power, behind countries such as Cuba and Burundi.
Others are going the more traditional route and simply renting data center space from third party data centers that have already solved problems like power, cooling, and telecom redundancy.
So plants with CCS will need to be at least a third bigger than normal ones to generate the same net amount of power, and will also consume at least a third more fuel.
The former Soviet Union was a super power, while its economy only leveled with the third world.
Certainly Oscar had a lot of family members to bestow that power on-all the residents of the third floor, in fact.
By the end of 2009, China had the third largest installed capacity of wind power in the world, and a market growing at a rate that is likely to be the largest in the world in the coming years.
In theory, that could power more than 42 million homes - about a third of all housing units in the United States.
从理论上讲,那会为4200万个家庭提供电力- - -相当于大约三分之一的美国单元住房。
The third possibility for wireless power is magnetic induction - the most attractive option for beefy domestic applications.
Only 8 percent of senior high school students in Japan want to become a person of high power, about one-third of the levels in the United States, South Korea and China, a survey showed.
For the same money, Britain could replace its entire power-generation stock with solar cells and cut its emissions by a third.
Third, he must reach an accommodation with Iran that acknowledges its place as a regional power while dissuading it from getting a destabilising nuclear weapon.
Also aiding in the reliability of a system running completely on wind, water, and solar power, the authors say, is that it would need about a third less energy than a fossil-fired system.
In addition to parabolic troughs and power-towers there is also a third solar-thermal technology, which combines curved, dish-shaped mirrors with heat engines.
Third is plain envy of Japan’s efficiency, wealth and power, mixed with resentment at the arrogance they are sometimes seen as fostering.
Huaneng Renewables is the third-largest wind farm operator in China, generating about 6 per cent of the country's wind power.
Japan has 54 nuclear power plants nationwide, and about one-third of its electricity comes from nuclear energy.
The lack of rain is also affecting power production. Hydropower plants in Hunan province are producing less that a third of their capacity.
And so if it's related to the third power of the size it must also be proportional to the third power of the length of the femur because of this relationship.
The former Soviet Union was a super power but only with an economy of a third world nation.
And then his third law was that if you take the orbital period of an ellipse, that is proportional to the third power of the mean distance to the Sun.
Prior to the crisis, Japan was the world's third-largest generator of nuclear electricity, with nuclear power producing nearly 30 percent of the country's electricity supply.
A new solar power plant, the third-biggest in the country, has been built in the south of the state.
There is almost no geologic setting in the world more dangerous for nuclear power than Japan — the third-ranked country in the world for nuclear reactors.
There is almost no geologic setting in the world more dangerous for nuclear power than Japan — the third-ranked country in the world for nuclear reactors.