Out of the main seven body energy centres third eye chakra is one of the most important chakras.
When you open your third eye chakra you become more spiritually protected because your aura gets purple colour.
With the opening of your third eye chakra your sixth sense sharpens and you become more in tune with the universe.
The eye does not even have to be shaped like an eye, although this is the most common shape. Some people see the third eye chakra shaped like a book or a star.
At the time Mila studied with her teacher, she was told to read from her crown chakra rather than her third eye.
Ajna Chakra represented by two lotus petals is also called the third eye. It is corresponding to pineal gland, hypothalamus, retina, optic plexus and optic lobe.
Ajna Chakra represented by two lotus petals is also called the third eye. It is corresponding to pineal gland, hypothalamus, retina, optic plexus and optic lobe.