The third wheel makes the bike easier to balance.
I'd love to go out with you, but I hate to be a third wheel.
You two go ahead to the movie without me, I don't want to be a third wheel.
Jack: Oh, yeah. So if I give the guy the thumbs up, I'm essentially 2 the third wheel.
Tom: I know you're not trying to be rude, but sometimes I feel left out. Like a third wheel.
When you spin the wheels, the first and third wheels spin in one direction, while the second wheel spins the other direction.
Unlike Orlando, New York has the pieces in place to pull off a deal straight up without having a third wheel to get it done.
By now, I fear, many of you have probably committed those two chapters to memory, so I'm adding a third wheel to the rotation, and giving you a taste of the first Jon Snow chapter as well.
This driving mode allows you to move off in third gear to reduce wheel-spin in icy conditions.
Symfony is based on experience. It does not reinvent the wheel: it uses most of the best practices of web development and integrates some great third-party libraries.
Aim To determine the measured profile of a wheel in railway vehicle. Methods So - called piecewise curve-fitting method of the third derivative continuity is employed.
Epsilon Airlines has decided to ask a third party to help them obtain a detailed analysis of the issues and costs of keeping and maintaining wheel chairs and escorts available for passengers.
The design computation of important mechanical parts such as axis and wheel is studied in the third paragraph.
Epsilon Airlines has decided to ask a third party to help them obtain a detailed analysis of the issues and costs of keeping and maintaining wheel chairs and escorts available for passengers.
During the third tenth of a second, the steering wheel begins to disintegrate and the steering column reaches the CHEST of the DRIVER.
During the third tenth of a second, the steering wheel begins to disintegrate and the steering column reaches the CHEST of the DRIVER.