In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged Third World countries to undertake sweeping reforms.
China believes that there are rights and wrongs involved in the disputes between third world countries.
If big sums are to be spent on cleaning up environmental disasters, it is better to spend them on unglamorous but pressing problems such as unsanitary water in Third World countries.
They accused the West of dumping out-of-date medicines on Third World countries.
Yet traveling to many people, especially to those of the third world countries, is still a luxury.
We are very pleased that Third World countries have put forward the question of South-South cooperation.
This is an important pioneering undertaking and one that will benefit Third World countries in particular.
On other extreme we have developers who think testing is best left for the monkeys from the Third World countries.
Send aid: While aid is already going to Third World countries, it is on a very small scale and can easily be increased.
Third world countries including Jamaica surinam and Guyana supply almost90% of developed nation imports of bauxite.
Third world countries including Jamaica, Surinam, and Guyana supply almost 90% of developed nation imports of bauxite.
Stealth only works in third world countries where they lack the sophisticated radar and technology that can detect them.
What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations between China and the Third World countries?
In many third world countries that do not assemble their own automobiles, import duties are used to discourage vehicle ownership.
Third World countries export their mineral deposits and tropical agricultural products, which bring them desired foreign exchange.
He also said it would stop people from going to Third World countries and paying for black-market organs and risky, unregulated surgeries.
On the contrary the dark Ones have deliberately held you back, which is why real education has been denied for so long to Third World Countries.
These Third World countries are characterized by low economic growth, low per capital income, low standards of living, and low levels of technology.
No, it’s not just an injustice to your connoisseur taste buds; conventional coffee farming exploits workers and destroys communities in third world countries.
"The latrine was of the same design as we use in third world countries — a dry latrine — and we formed the longest queue this morning," UNICEF spokesman Benoit Melebeck said.
Because almost all coffee is grown in third world countries with less stringent laws than Europe or the United States, your non-organic cuppa is probably laden with chemicals.
Because almost all coffee is grown in third world countries with less stringent laws than Europe or the United States, your non-organic cuppa is probably laden with chemicals.