This first release of the community built tool focuses on backlog management and provides a rich web based interface that allows product managers to control all of their user stories in one place.
Additionally, the Product Owner should be actively involved in setting the release goal. This allows the individual to be fully responsible for reaching the goal.
This search allows consumers to check out reviews of the product they want to buy as they are browsing.
This allows distributed common access to IMS databases (and other databases) using the DB2 Information Integration product set.
这允许使用DB 2信息集成产品集对IMS数据库及其他数据库进行分布式的通用访问。
Within the report, you can enter parameters to change the mining parameters. In this example, a revenue-per-product list allows you to drill-through to association rules for the specific products.
At the same time, this also allows the IntenseDebate team to focus on its own core product and the stability and speed of its service.
This approach allows manufacturers to deal only with a single product, and, at the same time, the extension of packaging, so that the packaging needs specialization.
This allows clients to choose the product that is the right price point for their current interest level.
This fulfillment technology ensures that our products get to the locations where they're needed most, and allows for proper stock rotation and optimal product freshness at the point of purchase.
This award-winning product allows your baby to enjoy lots of delicious foods without the choking risk.
Infant product sales system through this platform allows shoppers to stay at home will be able to understand the variety of infant product information.
This allows the optimal coordination of product, material and technology, and thus shortens the technology chain.
With mold-based manufacturing, you amortize the mold costs over the life of the product, and molds allows mass production of shapes: None of this one-at-a-time stuff.
This allows them to share and preview product features, functions, and benefits before the products are released.
The idea for this app grew out of a previous product that Square developed in 2009, which allows cell phone users to connect a credit card scanner to their headphone jacks.
2009年推出的一项产品。 通过这个产品,手机用户可以将信用卡扫描器与手机耳机接口直接相连。
An extensive product range allows KAHLA to meet various demands. Thanks to premium service like this, KAHLA Porcelain is able to stand out in the market and remain there.
While both the coax cable and PC-board connector add cost in addition to the antenna itself, this arrangement allows flexibility in PC-board design as well as end-product packaging and installation.
Compared with conventional methods of mask fabrication, this system is faster, more accurate, and less stressful for the patient and allows for greater control of the finished product.
This product is moving overhead floor, the maximum use of the product features are: raised floor allows the user to lay the following lines or pipes.
This product is moving overhead floor, the maximum use of the product features are: raised floor allows the user to lay the following lines or pipes.