More for the living room Qiangqun general, the bedroom wall decoration, the best use of about 900 mm high, this can play a role in the protection wall in the proportion of very beautiful.
We sincerely hope that WWF can play a role in protecting this endangered species.
I think this may be an extraordinary moment in history where Africa can become a continent of hope and the Bank can play a role in that.
Fear of contagion, lack of knowledge that TB can be cured and the failure of communities to discuss the disease openly all play a role in fuelling this fear.
This experience, however, has taught me that parents can and should play a greater role in educating their children.
This requires the public health sector to play a stewardship role in fostering policy coherence across sectors, and to influence policies and actions that can benefit health.
The rest of the world can play a supporting role but, in the end, this work has to be done by the eurozone countries themselves.
This isn't solely down to either patients being unreasonable or to staff being inconsiderate - both can play a role.
This can be a crucial moment regarding work; perhaps you take on a new and more striking role. Training and wide horizons play a part.
And I think there's a really urgent need to produce another generation of people who can actually play this kind of role in the future.
This way Asia can play a more constructive role in re-engineering and reshaping the global financial architecture.
You are the most experienced man in FA China who can achieve this goal, so I hope you can play a more important role than before.
This coating not only can play a strong role on protecting carbon at different temperatures, but also increase the temperature point of initial acute oxidation on the carbon anode surface.
This system can play a distinct role for quality guarantee on important welding structures of aviation, aerospace and atomic energy industries.
该系统能在航空、航天、 原子能等部门的重要焊接结构的质量保证方面发挥明显作用。
"We are now continuing to work to explore the relevance of this work and to see how it can play a specific practical role in the future." he said.
So, at this stage of homebred ore foreign ore can only play a limited alternative role, and the three mining giant remains absolutely monopoly.
This will not only transparent but also play a blocking role, but also very sound, the kitchen can not hear the noise outside.
In Dark and Light pets play a fairly big role and it is no wonder that due to this many of the animals can be purchased or tamed by players.
Practice has proved that crack treatment works have good results, the author hopes this article can play a reference role for similar works.
The method in this paper is very practical and can play a guiding role in design, manufacturing and test of the coils of motor in the engineering.
This "vibration sensors," is designed to save energy, hope that this device can be applied to practice to play a huge role.
This device is the use of shock and vibration generated by the pressure to control the lights, and can play a very good energy-saving role.
Additionally, the paper discusses the function of benchmark writing into contract and finds that this way can play a role of incentive and enhance the understanding of investor to manager.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) - the institution that oversees debt repayments-can play a key role in this.
But now we know that this end often has a protein production regulatory program and in some cases can play a role in cancer.
This essay therefore looks at the strategic roles of human resource management and ways in which a strategic approach to human resource development can play a strategic role within an organization.
This essay therefore looks at the strategic roles of human resource management and ways in which a strategic approach to human resource development can play a strategic role within an organization.