Some very important discoveries have been made by this technology, especially you consider that some objects in space give off radio waves but don't emit any light.
This is especially important for under-resourced schools and communities.
This is especially important for people who might not have time to cook.
This is an especially important feature for master data management due to the varying sensitivity of kept data and the various roles within an organization.
This is especially important when running in client mode because there is latency between the message being removed from the queue and when it is delivered over the network to the application.
This is especially important after a tough run or workout, when you may feel that a big-calorie binge is justified.
This is especially important when asynchronous invocation is used where the calling task has to look for the output of the called task appearing at a particular location to continue further.
This is especially important for large or complex queries, not only the most frequently used queries.
This is especially important for vegans, of course, who are increasingly finding that it's difficult to buy any product that isn't made with animal products in one way or another.
This is especially important for billing purposes, in order to prevent inaccurate charges to the service requestor.
This is especially important for those with responsibilities that range over mainframes and smaller systems, which share so little else in their programming or maintenance models.
Reinforce this knowledge by physically placing yourself in the safe locations. This is especially important for children.
This is especially important for desktop applications, where a user is often staring at the splash screen waiting for the application to be ready.
This is an especially important technique on multi-processor systems, where concurrency can (in principle) be used without degrading response time.
This is especially important if, say, a person with limited physical mobility is using voice commands to guide his or her chair near obstacles or dangerous terrain (like a stairwell).
This is especially important because teens are more at risk for certain complications, such as anemia, high blood pressure, and delivering a baby earlier than usual (called premature delivery).
This is especially important when you’re just starting out and hardly anyone knows about your blog.
Don't buy anything that you don't know you need - this is especially important with clothes.
This is especially important for pages with a lot of content and for users on slower Internet connections.
Open your mouth very little when speaking French. This is especially important in the "ah" and "oh" sounds.
Don't buy anything that you don't know you need--this is especially important with clothes。
But this is especially important with virtual meetings because it is so easy for participants to tune out.
This is especially important as we continuously look for opportunities for patterns across each of our iterations.
This is especially important if you've got an office job, and are sitting at a computer all day (like us).
If you are migrating to MDM, this point is especially important, because this step was not previously required.
This is especially important as the world is focused this year on accelerating progress on the goal of halving extreme poverty by the year 2015.
This is especially important if the stored procedure is going to be recompiled constantly.
This is especially important for diseases like malaria, which can kill within 24 hours of symptom onset.
This is especially important when using UTF characters to represent database object names.
在使用UT f字符表示数据库对象名称时,这一点尤为重要。
This is especially important when using UTF characters to represent database object names.
在使用UT f字符表示数据库对象名称时,这一点尤为重要。