This is a big problem that plagues almost all of competing devices.
This is a big problem in the car industry, where a handful of global firms can bully the 80, 000 parts-makers.
Danny had the kind of mind that comes and says, 'Well, this is a big problem. Why shouldn't there be a solution?'
The CBO figures show that this is a big problem with the House plan, whose shortfall will balloon beyond the ten-year horizon.
This is a big problem, because to whatever degree you haven’t accepted the risk, is the same degree to which you will avoid the risk.
Even if the current economic crisis looks nothing like the Great Depression, Mr. Obama said, "This is a big problem, and it's going to get worse."
"This is a big problem, and it is going to get worse, " said Barack Obama. "My number-one priority coming in is making sure that we have got an economic recovery plan that is equal to the task.
Our hope is that if we feed blueberry juice to a child with this type of tumour, we can intervene and shrink the tumour before it becomes a big problem.
To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the government's health budget should be used for health education and disease prevention.
I think this is also a big problem which needs our great attention.
One solution to this problem is to schedule a time daily to work on your big project.
One way to address this problem is to use a dependency injection framework (Hani and I are big fans of Guice, which we cover in our book, but Spring is also a good option).
If you're listening to Internet radio or the like, this is obviously a big problem.
At Mizzou, which is expecting a record enrollment this year, adjustment to a big school just compounds the problem, she says.
This is potentially a problem, because adding big language features is already risky, and dragging additional features along for the ride only ups the risk.
While there is a way to export devices, this can be a big problem for applications that require non-exportable devices.
What happened in La Gloria was an unfortunate coincidence with a big and serious problem that is happening now with this new flu virus.
The problem with this is that higher spending and tax cuts will only make a big budget deficit even bigger.
And then let's say there's a big drop in sales. The problem with this is that you don't know what caused the drop.
This generally isn't an issue with fake HDR images (unless the image is blurry to begin with), but it can be a big problem with real HDRs done with tone-mapping and multiple images.
Focus group data that says, “Gee this antenna problem is a BIG DEAL” is much more convincing.
"I would say a big part of this problem is this campaign to mislead Americans about climate science," he said.
The challenge is this: if your big law firm or accounting firm doesn't think it has a space allocation/stuff tracking/office mapping problem, you won't be looking for a solution.
While this is not a big problem in the RosettaNet environment, with Web services, the schemas from these DTDs need to be combined into the same document.
The big debate about Facebook’s value and their Beacon debacle is a reflection of this fundamental problem.
These are the most used characters in most of the languages, that is why this becomes a very big problem.
This is a classic big data problem because Yelp generates 100gb of log data every day.
The marketing muscle of many big companies is clouding the web service waters, and this article addressed a common problem with a simple and easily understood web service.
许多左右市场的大型公司在评说Web services 的不足,本文通过一个简单易懂的 Webservices说明了一个常见问题。
Obviously this is a difficult problem, but the incentive to solve it is very big. The main approaches fall into the following categories.
Obviously this is a difficult problem, but the incentive to solve it is very big. The main approaches fall into the following categories.