This is a special case that tools use so they can load special content that is used by the tools, but is not used by the games.
This is a special case of the fact that basing typical applications around distributed business objects—the architectural choice EJB implements best—has proved problematic.
In this week's edition of special series on Bizarre Medical Conditions, there is a report of the case of Michelle Myers.
In other words, this is really just a special case of the late update scenario demonstrated above.
Instead, I propose that this is a very special case indeed, and that XML namespace usage should be restricted to cases such as this where more reasonable paths are not available.
This problem is actually a special case of a much larger class of problems related to user input validation.
This is really a special case of the previous method, but it's so flexible that it's often worth considering.
Stokes' versus Green. I want to show you how Green's theorem for work that we saw in the plane, but also involved work and curl and so on, is actually a special case of this.
Well, the strategy, I mean there are other ways, but the least painful strategy at this point is to observe what we already know is a special case of Stokes's theorem.
In this case, I rely on the server setting a special HTTP header named X-Ticket-Sequence-Number, which holds the unique identifier for the ticket the user is constructing.
在本例中,我依靠服务器设置一个名为X - Ticket - Sequence - Number的特殊HTTP头部字段。这个字段中保存的是用户正在构造的故障单的唯一标识。
Ila is a special load instruction that loads static addresses, in this case loading the address of the output string into register 3.
In the case of the Editor-level user, the out of Office agent is automatically configured to run in a special mode that allows the user to run this agent without running any other agents.
This application is a special case that needs scope across both the cluster and the Network Deployment manager.
该应用程序是特殊的实例范围包括集群和Net work Deployment管理器。
This group is a special case, as we have already seen in some of the papers presented, and yet to be presented, at this Congress.
This group is a special case , as we have already seen in some of the papers presented , and yet to be presented , at this congress.
This is essentially a linear programming problem. This case is more special than the general problem, since
The device will need great size and weight, this in the offshore environment becomes one a special problem, because in this case weight is always people must concern the main issues.
This case the owner is a special sea turtles, like Chinese culture, the but again doesn't want to be tied down by a traditional.
Although we have obtained this relation only for a special case, it is found to be true in general.
This paper draws a conclusion that Generalized Possibility theory is Fuzzy Probability theory, and the present Possibility theory is a special case of Fuzzy Probability theory.
In this paper, the authors aim to use quadratic optimization theory in obtaining generalized optimal weights, whereby, the restriction on the covariance matrix is just a mere special case.
Also, the deterministic counterpart of this single machine scheduling problem is a special case of fuzzy version.
This is a part that carries on a special elaboration on another problem that summarizes from Xu Ting's case, that is distinguish of larceny and the other crimes.
In this paper, we carry out a research into the special case, that is the finite determinacy of smooth function germs under various subgroups of right equivalent group.
We delt mainly with the fitting problem with known ancestors and pointed out that the clustering of ordered sample is a special case of this model.
But this method is proving to be a nightmare to maintain, especially when users come up with special case scenarios, which completely deviate from existing role permissions.
The discussion of the paper indicates that the current model of shape optimization by finite element method is a special case of the general model in this paper.
The discussion of the paper indicates that the current model of shape optimization by finite element method is a special case of the general model in this paper.