Because I want to break new ground here, the spread of Buddhism throughout the world, and this is my wish to power.
I like this balance in my life, and I sometimes wish it is something my mother might have known.
Time and time again, I hear, "I wish my boss would tell Nancy that this is just unacceptable."
And of course it exists in a semiotic relationship to a white light over a street door which means "this is my house; if you wish you can ring the bell but I'd just as soon you stayed out."
It is my sincere wish that the launch of this consortium will help put some of these age-old companions of poverty out of business.
It is my sincere wish that this meeting can now reach consensus on the remaining outstanding issues.
It happened to me a few times that my parents told me they wish I was "normal" (I know, I know), and I believe this is what actually made me feel guilty.
So my question is. I had this sense that the reason that you become friends with somebody is that you love some good in them that you wish to, you could be or have some or become like.
Far away are you all right? In this season of missing, changes is my appearance, the same is always worried about your heart! Real wish you happy holidays!
I just hope and pray, my mood don't rough, desolate, this is my biggest wish.
I wish the motherland, I wish I look at the spread eagle, a shining star! This is my mother - China.
My sincere wish is that you find true happiness within, and that you share this joy with all other beings.
If you love me, or ever loved me, please forget me, this is my last wish.
Topping my holiday wish list this year is an HD-720 from Spawn Labs.
It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a word of congratulations ot the groom, Mr. White, and to wish much happiness to his lovely bride.
At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends! The sky is flushed with the dawn and my path lies beautiful.
My question is: Do you sometimes wish you could turn the clock back and play in this wonderful ac Milan team?
My dear sir, i wish i had this is not analarmist, but it is now occurring in china.
The Phantom: this is indeed an *unparalleled* delight. I had rather hoped that you would come. And now, my wish comes true, you have joined and made my night.
So this New Year, my wish is to look at ways to improve, but not look to win the lottery hopefully, that's the last time I mention lottery if you know what I mean!
This is what I only ask for…Hope you understand me…In the meantime, I will keep going on my life and hopefully my wish could come true in some day.
这是什么我只请求…希望您明白我…同时, 我将继续去在我的生活并且我的愿望能有希望地来真实在某一天。
I wish to delay enrollment for one year because it is inconvenient for my sponsor to pay for my education this year.
This is what I wish for my two boys, a close relationship with each other and with my husband and me.
Thee honest answer to this question is that there are a lot of things I wish I had known when I walked in the door for my first day of work years ago.
Thee honest answer to this question is that there are a lot of things I wish I had known when I walked in the door for my first day of work years ago.