If this is the case then I've written this section especially for you... please read on.
If this is the case then here is a list of free or open source SQL editor tools for you to begin running SQL queries against your DB.
If this is the case, then why do so many people lie?
If this is the case, then why do we cling so tightly to the idea that the right expert will save us?
If this is the case in your repository, then you will have to escape each character before passing it on.
This introduces the need for aggregation, and in this case nested aggregation, because the batch request message is repeated on an outlet basis and then repeated on an order basis.
I cannot judge the likelihood of the disaster scenario, but if there ever was a case for applying the precautionary principle in economic analysis, then this is it.
If this is the case with your processor, you can send the merged XHTML to a temporary file, and then process that instead.
This is a fairly typical sort of complex data, in this case ordering something by date, time, and ID number by concatenating the Numbers into a single number that we can then sort numerically.
Although those new to RUP sometimes assume that the Development Case is a "snapshot" work product to formulate during the Inception phase and then never change, this is not true.
If this is the case, then it follows that people like me, who NEED to make dolls, must have some major psychological issues as we literally try to construct our identities with the dolls we make.
If that's the case, then it's in the bucket of "this is a good entrepreneur going after a big opportunity, and I believe he will use my funding wisely to figure it out".
If this is the case, and again I have no reason to doubt them, then even if newly discovered, why wait a year to release them?
If this is the case, then having dedicated ODRs for administrative traffic is the solution.
If this is the case, then Obama may be craftier than anyone has assumed.
If the service is slow, as is usually the case when invoking a service remotely over a network, then your tests will be slow — this will deter you from running your tests as frequently as you should.
If this is the case, then you should proceed to the next section, Understanding generated SOAP and data classes.
In this case, then, technological progress is actually reducing the demand for highly educated workers.
If it's unclear whether this is the case, then proceed with the assumption that at least some specifications are not durable.
"' is a set of drawing commands, in this case to move to the position 10, 50 and then draw the text in the double quotes."
This is done through the business use case realization, which then becomes the means to create a link between the process, the business use cases and, indirectly, also the business goals.
In this case, if the root element of the XMLNSC tree is a correctly formed SOAP envelope, then the message is used as is.
If no one is interested in these subjects then there's no need for an architectural description, but I've found that this is rarely the case.
If this is the case, then you only need to ensure that the changes have been published.
If this is not the case, then this option is less warranted, and the entire system can be placed either entirely behind the DMZ, or inside the DMZ.
In the case of the F-35, then, this sort of electromagnetic artillery is mainly defensive.
以F - 35为例,这种类型的电磁炮主要用于防御。
If this is not the case, then the first step will have been taken towards opening up the procedure for allowing foreign computer specialists to take jobs in Germany.
If this is not the case, then the first step will have been taken towards opening up the procedure for allowing foreign computer specialists to take jobs in Germany.