In an age when ice cream companies are melting away and reforming as purveyors of frozen yoghurt, is this dinky piece of homespun cheeriness really the best focus of the company's efforts?
This date would make the city nearly as old as the end of the last ice age and pre-dates the earliest recorded city states, found in what is now Iraq, so seems rather unlikely.
A relic of the last ice Age, this is one of three great ice sheets in the world.
This is what the Lakers thought they were two seasons ago. It's all they would have ever been without Bynum, right up until the moment Bryant left and the Ice Age set in.
Since the Little Ice Age the glacier has reduced its area accounting for 4.6% of the present area, while this ratio is near 8% in the Qangtan Region, Tibetan Plateau.
由冰川退缩引起的冰川面积的减小相当于现代冰川面积的4.6 % ,略小于整个羌塘高原地区小冰期以来冰川面积减小的幅度(8% ) 。
Since the Little Ice Age the glacier has reduced its area accounting for 4.6% of the present area, while this ratio is near 8% in the Qangtan Region, Tibetan Plateau.
由冰川退缩引起的冰川面积的减小相当于现代冰川面积的4.6 % ,略小于整个羌塘高原地区小冰期以来冰川面积减小的幅度(8% ) 。