Only one task may hold the mutex at a time, and only this task can unlock the mutex.
All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritative timekeeper; but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife.
In another words, you only need one VM template for each operating system — this saves time and disk space.
This means that while multiple processes and threads can read from the same database at the same time, only one is able to write.
What's interesting with this model is that multiple readers are permitted access to the data at one time, but only one writer.
This will display only one section at a time, and is effective for containing lots of information in a section, if the information is not dependent on another section in order to be effective.
With this design, the inner table retrieves only one work item at a time, so that as the sub-work items count increases, it takes an increasingly longer time to build the report.
This time he only printed two hundred copies and offered them at one guinea each as it was smaller and less expensive to print.
You can even "lend" a book to a friend - although held to a two-week maximum, one time a title and only on books whose publishers have permitted this feature.
The code in this article is actually non-vector (also known as scalar) code, meaning that it only works with one value at a time.
He said the Mahina has only seen this type of case one other time in its 30 years of operation.
This attitude is fundamental to achieving results. Prioritize your important tasks in order and focus on only one at a time.
Everyone takes it at the same time — June 7 to 9 this year — and has only one shot.
Since you are only creating one task at this time, start by creating the file prune.php in the new scripts directory.
While this is a very slow and mellow track – it’d be perfect for some quality time with your one and only.
The exercise was then repeated, but this time they added a single rule: Each member was allowed to only have one unit on the circle between them and the next team member.
In one iteration, this usually takes little time, so the system resources are claimed for only a short period.
I know I'm not the only one that has a difficult time getting out of bed, so this really helps me to start my day with a feeling of joy and gratitude.
In this application, you will only have one DMA command active at a time, so all of your operations will use 0 as the DMA tag.
And I plan to make it this time, God willing, one day at a time, but I don't feel safe right now, in the only place I can ever feel safe, here with my Serenity posse Two posse.
This way one saves not only the time one would have wasted waiting, but the time in having the meeting too, leaving one free to get some work done instead.
After the divorce, Barack Jr. only saw his father one more time, in Hawaii, in 1972, when this photograph was taken.
For an active/passive storage RAID array, your host can only reach one single LUN from this array by one of these two paths at any time.
The first time we met I knew this was the only one I wanted to marry.
At the same time, however, only one-hundredth of one percent of the population of South Asia had access to this information network.
At the same time, however, only one-hundredth of one percent of the population of South Asia had access to this information network.