This team effort has now produced crops uniformly waist high or less so that they are better suited to mechanical harvesting.
In this instance, the evolutionary model itself provided great value, allowing the team to avoid unnecessary work and duplication of effort.
Figure 6: Solid lines depict the natural peaks and valleys in effort for one role — in this case, the coding team — in the product's lifecycle.
I would recommend this book to anyone either contemplating or currently involved in a small team software development effort.
This article is based on practical experience in leading a development effort that spanned four months and at least four dedicated full-time team members.
The completion of this work effort sees a trained assessment team established and the needed assessment instruments refined and agreed.
I would like to thank Enzo Cialini, manager of the ha system test team in the Toronto lab, for his continuous and very valuable help during this effort.
This modeling effort is carried out by members of the governance adoption project team, mentioned above.
Now, following a series of internal talks the Italian team have restructured their technical line-up in an effort to boost their fortunes ahead of this weekend's Chinese Grand Prix.
But in this effort, the research team also took into account polarized light. Because light reflected off a planet is polarized. But light from the star is not.
This effort started with the kickoff agile workshop, using Rational Team Concert as the tool of choice.
这一工作以开始敏捷研讨会为起始,使用RationalTeam Concert作为首选工具。
A team or organization at this level tends to take a chaotic, ad-hoc, "invent as we go" approach toward every new systems building effort.
Michael: : That's true, but remember this is a team effort and everybody has to help out.
Raul's goal was out of this world and Nando's second was a great team effort.
Besides creating the most efficient and environmentally friendly machines, our team CARES and always put their utmost effort in making this world a greener place, even the smallest act.
This is a team of eminent Americans from across sectors and industries who will lead an effort to engage the U.
Please note however, this will be a best effort on our end as it's your responsibility to contact the DOMAINS team for registration support a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your launch.
Our thoughts are based on all of our effort, and we plan to do something meaningful within our own capability. This is our hope for establishing such a team.
If you watch this team night after night, you'll understand Chuck Hayes, who might lead the NBA in floor burns, tipped balls and effort.
It would have been unjust had we finished up with only one trophy, because of the team effort this season.
By the end of his internship, inventory turns had noticeably improved. Despite this achievement, he insists that the results were only possible through team effort.
This saves the Embedded Team hours and even days of tedious effort in reproducing and capturing a bug.
This saves the Embedded Team hours and even days of tedious effort in reproducing and capturing a bug.