This would imply that stored procedures are not similar to class methods since they are not part of tables.
This would imply that present value would be an entirely subjective estimate, varying with the risk aversion of the investor coming up with the discount rate.
If the underlying growth rate of productive capacity had remained the same, this would imply that the economy was operating around 10% below its potential output.
Since only a third of companies have a reward strategy in place, (Source = CIPD) this would imply that there is scope for discussion and influencing with stakeholders.
For example, if the number of friends on your online network is greater than that, according to Dunbar, this would imply the relationships are only superficial.
This arithmetic would imply that investors now require 14% capital rather than the 10% of mid-2006.
If this were not true it would imply that the given bar deformations were not compatible.
Yet the picture that Mr Deaton pieces together from the daily snapshots of Americans' state of mind is a more nuanced one than this litany of woes would imply.
Yet the picture that Mr Deaton pieces together from the daily snapshots of Americans' state of mind is a more nuanced one than this litany of woes would imply.