But, she notes, her father used similar language with her, "and I knew it was because he thought well of me and was sure I could do better."
When fission occurs in the workplace, it causes some to be accepted and thought well of and others to be rejected, and ultimately laid off or fired.
Self-esteem is all about how much we feel valued, loved, accepted, and thought well of by others — and how much we value, love, and accept ourselves.
He thought well of Carrie upon the first glance and laid himself out to be genial, teaching her a new game of CARDS and talking to her about new York and its pleasures.
In 2000, according to the Pew Global Attitudes Project, some 52% of Turks thought well of America, a smaller share than in Germany and Britain but about the same as in Spain.
2000年,根据皮尤全球态度调查(Pew Global AttitudesProject),约52%的土耳其人对美国有好感,这个比例小于德国和英国,但与西班牙大致相同。
Have you ever thought of talking to your parents to find out why you don't get along well with each other?
Well what it meant was that beheading was thought of as a quick and noble way to die, if the machinery of justice had decided that you had to die.
I thought, well, I can handle the ideas side of it all right, but can I handle the actual traditional production side all right?
I thought I was adjusting well to the joys and rigors of trail life, but there was one thing I still just couldn’t get a hold of.
Well, it was the principle of the thing. I thought people were giving you a bye.
When this thought is propagated to all of the other roles as well, we end up with something like the diagram in Figure 2.
I also thought to myself, Well... that was easier than I thought. I intended for the creation of a certain product, and here it is. I didn't even have to record it.
This was one of the leftover ones so I thought I might as well sow it and see what happened.
Today I want to look at the first of four health factors you may not have thought of for living long and well.
Before that I kind of thought, well, probably the same person wrote both these letters, and they were just different in some ways.
I well remember how mystified I felt at this, for I had not thought of my feeling in that light.
Because media failure is the most complex of all the types of failure, you must have a well thought-out strategy to plan for it.
Most of us in the well-fed world give little thought to where our food comes from or how it's grown.
Drucker thought of himself as a loner, as someone well outside the mainstream of management education.
Response to Finance Manager: "I have been successful in my career by making well-thought-out decisions based on careful analysis of all factors."
E-mails that are wandering, vague, or show a lack of thought are often not received well.
But they are increasingly thought of as a measure of societal well-being, which they are not.
She said: 'Well my boyfriend dumped me yesterday and I thought instead of moping around the house all day I would go out and get a date.
Therefore, it is important to prepare in advance and have a set of well thought out interview questions.
Because media failure is the most complex of all the types of failure, you must have a well-thought-out strategy to plan for it.
Base each of these models on facts, past and present performance data, industry and competitor analyses and a series of well-thought-out, defendable assumptions.
Cosette paid no heed to this, passed her evening and slept well that night, as usual, and thought of it only when she woke.
Cosette paid no heed to this, passed her evening and slept well that night, as usual, and thought of it only when she woke.