His thousand disbanded, he returned to his island home on Caprera, north of Sardinia, with his spoils of war-some coffee and sugar, a bundle of stock-fish and a box of macaroni.
Several thousand Tunisian migrants arrived on Lampedusa, a small Italian island off north Africa.
Kids dive in at Thousand Island Park, a historic community on New York's Wellesley Island.
The most typical natural landscape of Yakushima Island is its cedar named Yakusugi, the age of which can surpass one thousand years; some of the cedars' diameter can be 5 meters.
I don't care how many bottles of Thousand Island Dressing you show me, it's Special Sauce.
That is also the name of a book from two thousand one by Elliott Gorn, a professor now at Brown University in Rhode Island. His research produced new information about Mother Jones.
In 1868, the developer William A. Engeman purchased, for twenty thousand dollars, several hundred acres between Manhattan Beach and Coney Island.
1868年,开发商威廉。A .恩格曼花2万美元买下了介于曼哈顿沙滩和科尼到之间的几百英亩地。
They visited a winemaking town in Tuscany. Crespina, with about four thousand people, became a sister city to Staten Island.
Last week of staying in Canada, we went to Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa to travel for five days. My deepest impression is the day we went to Thousand Island.
A thousand years ago polynesians to state every island settlement.
They had no connection with the outside world for more than a thousand years, giving them plenty of time to build more than 1000 huge stone figures, called moat, for which the island is most famous.
To facilitate traffic, designer build it clear bridge link with land, make it become thousand island only of island that land and water linked to in the lake specially.
So god said, "try my fresh green salad." and satan presented thousand - island dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side.
Fig. 4 Relationships between minimum trapping efforts and island areas and isolations, respectively, on islands and mainland of larger mammal communities in Thousand island Lake region.
Employee: All right, sir. What dressing would you like on your salad? We have Thousand Island, French, and Italian.
Thousand island dressing is just ketchup and mayonnaise with a little bit of pickles in it.
Thousand Island Dressing, Balsamic Dressing, French Dressing, Red Wine Vinaigrette, Olive Oil Dressing.
About 6 thousand years ago, the Aegean island residents began to engage in agricultural production.
And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing and garlic toast on the side.
More relief supplies and aid workers have landed on Indonesia's Java island to help survivors of Saturday's earthquake, which officials say killed more than five-thousand-400 people.
The research of landscape pattern of Thousand Island Lake area showed that patch density of this area is relatively low (6.91), showing the habitat fragmentation phenomenon.
The results of landscape index of NDVI patch grades in Thousand Island Lake area reflect the status of the plant communities on them well.
This new volcano will break the ocean's surface in about fifty thousand years, giving us our next Hawaiian island.
Thousand Island, Vinaigrette, French and Caesar Dressing.
The island west end constructs the 10 thousand-ton berth wharf, goes by boat to be possible to lead to coastal each big cities and so on Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Dalian.
The island west end constructs the 10 thousand-ton berth wharf, goes by boat to be possible to lead to coastal each big cities and so on Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Dalian.