Adjust tubing so that syringe tip extends with it into threaded end plug.
The invention relates to an anatomical nasal respirator (1), comprising two parallel cylindrical tubes (1.1), a connecting bridge (2) between said cylinders and two threaded end pieces (10, 11).
本发明的呼吸器(1)由两个平行的圆管(1.1)、在所述柱状体之间的联桥(2)和 两个螺纹形末端装置(10,11)所组成。
Then the scientists threaded the rope so that it would take two elephants, pulling both ends at the same time, to move the table. If one yanked an end without its helpmate doing so, no reward.
I'm hoping this will allow me to squeeze in a reasonably sophisticated threaded program at the end of the next article.
Spiders up to 26" feature 0.022" vane thickness, 3/8 center hub and one threaded vane end per vane .
The other end of the electrode is threaded to allow for attachment of the electrical connector by means of two nuts.
After being removed from the warp beam, the end is threaded through a drop wire. There is one drop wire per end.
A threaded neck ring is secured to the tapered end of the cylinder to allow a protective cylinder cap to be installed.
To connect tools or tubulars by assembling the threaded connections incorporated at either end of every tool and tubular.
The tapered or open end is threaded to receive a cylinder valve or other suitable outlet connection.
To hold one end of a threaded connection while the other is turned to make up the joint.
Use a section of 4 PVC waste pipe with a threaded screw-cap fitting on one end and a standard end-cap at the other.
A threaded neck ring is attached to the tapered end so that a protective cylinder cap can be installed.
The catheter, a tube with a camera and a LASER on the end, could he threaded into the gall bladder and pancreas.
The end flange is available in either threaded, or socket-weld styles.
The connecting body is cylindrical and provided with two threaded holes; the tail end of the drill pipe is arranged in the threaded holes.
End Connections - choice of flanged, threaded or socket weld ends.
End Connections? Choice of flanged, threaded or socket weld ends.
The bore (14) of the first end cap (6) is threaded to accommodate a complementary threaded connector (5) which, in turn, is connected to a cylinder of propane gas.
第一端盖(6)的孔(14)被攻丝以容纳完全互补的带螺 纹连接件(5),所述带螺纹连接件(5)接着连接到丙烷气体汽缸。
By multi-threaded design of sending and receiving end, ensured the stable operation of the system.
A blowhead chuck (44) is removably received in a first end of each lateral passage and a cap (60) is threaded into the second end of each lateral passage spaced from the associated blowhead chuck.
One end of the jack bolt is positioned in the threaded hole at one side of the flat hole sleeve.
The 2700 is normally supplied with a 475mm (17.99in) stay rod and stand but can alternatively be supplied with two stands, one on each side, and a stay rod of any length threaded at each end.
The pulley is fixedly installed on the wall, and the rope which is threaded through the pulley is connected with the lamp-socket, then the other end of the rope is connected with a fixed object.
For end connection, we have threaded, hoop, butt weld, many kinds of connection style to meet customer's requirement.
Also, a thin layer of Durahm's water putty may be used in the threaded plug to spread out the load on the end of the syringe near the polyethylene tubing attachment.
Also, a thin layer of Durahm's water putty may be used in the threaded plug to spread out the load on the end of the syringe near the polyethylene tubing attachment.