And then, if you go the real sodium chloride crystal and you do this same calculation but in three-dimensions.
Some movements involving primarily vertical or horizontal motions of the body as a whole, in which rotations can be ignored, can be studied using simple equations of linear motion in three dimensions.
There are three states of matter, three dimensions. Triangulation is how we get our bearings.
In contrast, the scanning electron microscope reveals a world familiar to the way we naturally see things, a world with outer surfaces and in three dimensions.
Next, given your time variable, you calculate the position of the box within the display window along the three dimensions.
So far, we have represented three dimensions of information explicitly.
But the technique allows a computer browser to display complex graphics that react to mouse movements, allowing a user to move or look around in three dimensions the way one can in some videogames.
MEN are generally better than women on tests of spatial ability, such as mentally rotating an object through three dimensions or finding their way around in a new environment.
Programming in three dimensions can seem complicated because of the amount of jargon and the mathematics involved, this tutorial will keep things as simple as possible.
Before Milnor, no one had any inkling that this restriction made any difference; for spaces of three dimensions or fewer, it does not.
One idea for dealing with leaks is to change that by moving transistor design into three dimensions.
If you look at those pictures in a particular way, your brain's programming will take over and create the illusion of three dimensions.
All the rest — whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories — comes afterwards.
They have invented a way to look at cells that are still alive. Moreover, they can do so in three dimensions.
"Folding in three dimensions [is required for functionality] when it comes to proteins, so the library isn't completely randomized," Hecht said.
Quaternions make it possible to extend the concept of rotation in three dimensions to four dimensions (see Resources for links to quaternion references).
In three dimensions, a sphere is likewise symmetrical under all rotations about its center.
IBM said in a statement that the data will be collected using antennae designed to monitor radio waves in three dimensions to sample high-frequency emissions from space.
The way the light falls on an object provides us with the shading that helps us see shapes in three dimensions.
And mental manipulation of objects in three dimensions figures prominently in the memoirs and introspections of most creative physicists and chemists.
A writer for "The Wire", an acclaimed HBO show about urban crime, he is capable of evoking atmosphere in three dimensions.
The reason there are three quantum Numbers is we're describing an orbital in three dimensions, so it makes sense that we would need to describe in terms of three different quantum Numbers.
Beyond motion sensing, which a mouse rolling on its trackball already does handily, or iPhone pinching, gesture sensing can allow movement in three dimensions.
Just the first 2 equations in three dimensions, those give me a line, the line where those two planes meet.
The Rosetta algorithm is used to create some potential starting structures, but users are then given a set of controls that let them poke and prod the protein's structure in three dimensions;
Using the sample model in this document, adding items in Query Studio from all three dimensions returns a much reduced record set.
The format also supports multipart shapes in three dimensions, as well as a measurement (m) dimension. The format consists of at least three individual files
You can then slice and dice your measures by any combination of all three dimensions: loan officer and start date and process state.
然后您可以通过以下三个维度的任意组合来细分您的测量:loanofficer、startdate和process state。
The Ascension in simplistic terms, is the expansion of the earth from the (magnetic) polarity of the 1st three dimensions to the zero-point fields of the crystalline dimensions.
The Ascension in simplistic terms, is the expansion of the earth from the (magnetic) polarity of the 1st three dimensions to the zero-point fields of the crystalline dimensions.