The owners of Lofthouse I wanted to have a seamless connection between the different levels in the three-storey house.
A three-storey house with basement bedrooms and living Spaces above is accommodated at the northern end of the terrace.
VietNamNet's reporters visited Nguyen Van Luc's new three-storey house in an Tho village. The house looks big but is not painted yet.
Built on a plot only nine meters wide, a three-storey house built with large Windows that spread natural light all around the rooms.
Four years ago they all moved into a three-storey Victorian house in Bristol—one of a growing number of multi-generational families in the UK living together under the same roof.
Every time we tried to set up our camera to film the imposing three-storey White House from a distance, angry officers rushed over to stop us.
The two-storey three-bedroomed detached house, built in 1993, was tracked down by a film location-spotter for its lack of interesting features.
In Lingding Island, located in the eastern part of Zhuhai, there is a beautiful small bay, and I design one three-storey guest house beside the sea, which has only 1000 square meters.
在珠海东部的伶仃岛上有一个美丽的小海湾,我在海边设计了一栋三层楼小招待所,面积只有1000s qm。
In Lingding Island, located in the eastern part of Zhuhai, there is a beautiful small bay, and I design one three-storey guest house beside the sea, which has only 1000 square meters.
在珠海东部的伶仃岛上有一个美丽的小海湾,我在海边设计了一栋三层楼小招待所,面积只有1000s qm。