At the same time, health researchers have not tied any U. S. deaths to 1979's Three Mile Island accident.
As the Three Mile Island accident showed, operators can regain control of the situation if they can get the coolant flowing again.
South Korea was a relative latecomer to nuclear power—starting up its program only one year before the Three Mile Island accident.
The cooling problems at the Japanese plant raised fears of a repeat of 1979's Three Mile Island accident, the most serious in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry.
There have been dozens of instances since 1979, the year of the Three Mile Island accident, in which nuclear reactors have had to be shut down for more than a year for safety reasons.
America is the world's largest producer of nuclear energy, but has not approved a single new plant since a scary (but non-lethal) nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in 1979.
However, so far it seems more likely to resemble the Three Mile Island (TMI) accident in Pennsylvania in 1979 which, like Fukushima, lost coolant and had a partial meltdown.
Therefore, the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in the United States is rated at level five.
The accident made Three Mile Island synonymous with the dangers of nuclear power and helped slow expansion of the U.S. nuclear industry.
The amount of fuel lost in the core melt at Three Mile Island in 1979 was about 30 tons; the Chernobyl reactors had about 180 tons when the accident occurred in 1986.
On this day in 1979, Three Mile Island was the site of the most serious nuclear accident in U.
The 1979 accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania rates five on an international scale of zero to seven, while Chernobyl is put at seven, the highest.
But elsewhere in the West, Chernobyl, along with the accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania in 1979, sent the industry into a decline.
France's ASN nuclear safety authority said the accident in Japan could be classed as level five or six on the international scale of one to seven, on a par with the 1979 US Three Mile Island meltdown.
France's ASN nuclear safety authority said the accident in Japan could be classed as level five or six on the international scale of one to seven, on a par with the 1979 US Three Mile Island meltdown.