The electrical conductivity plummets about three orders of magnitude.
If rainfall is variant then the mixture of species increases by two or three orders of magnitude.
We were able to speed the collection of data by more than three orders of magnitude, attaining video-rate imaging.
A minority felt that the largest 1992 computers were within three orders of magnitude of the power of the human brain.
The burst crushed the previous record holder for most distant object visible without assistance—the galaxy M33—by three orders of magnitude.
这次爆发打破了先前的肉眼可见最远天体的纪录--- M33 -3星系---提高了3个数量级。
That could make the catalysts “two to three orders of magnitude cheaper, ” the lab says, thereby significantly reducing the cost of fuel cells.
Compared with the PC single cavity structure, the transmission ratio of the coupled cavity array increases more than three orders of magnitude, .
While all this data offers opportunity, it's also a curse, breaking the backs of algorithms designed for data sets three orders of magnitude smaller.
That's about three orders of magnitude more than you'd expect to find in the solar wind, proving that the particles really are trapped and stored in this belt.
The stability of HF results in an ozone-depleting potential of the fluorine radical that is approximately three orders of magnitude less than that of the chlorine radical.
Just one-to-three atoms thick, these layered materials are orders of magnitude stronger than steel and much lighter.
Just one-to-three atoms thick, these layered materials are orders of magnitude stronger than steel and much lighter.