Look at the names they picked for their enterprises: Hyundai (The Modern Era) and Samsung (Three Stars, implying a business that would be huge and eternal).
This restaurant gets three stars in the guidebook.
What is three stars T9 video frequency file layout?
The winning team received three stars to their names.
The constellation of Orion holds much more than three stars in a row.
I flipped through the pages in silence. Every level was marked with three stars.
The Daily News said the picture was colorful and entertaining and gave it three stars.
The first three stars to pop out into your western sky after sunset are Vega, Altair and Deneb.
The results revealed three stars with clear signs of youth, for example, certain warm, dense gases.
As women frequently use public lavatories, the number of toilets leveled above three stars will be directed at them.
It finds three stars as reference star group used the character that star moment invariants are equal in neighbor frames.
The Shanghai Hotel is a Jinsha River three stars foreign hotel, opened in 1987, for a time, two years of unprecedented downturn.
In the southern bank of the river there was three little hills directed at the Moon Bay, so it was called "Three Stars Accompanying the Moon".
It was in the 23rd constellation, containing three stars, that he found two matching cities on the map, suggesting one has not yet been re-discovered.
Both the French Laundry and Per Se are consistently awarded three stars by Michelin, and are two of just five restaurants in the United States with that honor.
Haply, Zhu Pingzhen's Symphony of literature, Art and Education is comprised of three sections, which may be metaphorically called "the Three Stars in the sky".
For a show that thrives on showcasing the dark sides of their characters (Klaus be crazy), seeing the three stars looking so angelic is a bit of a change for us.
Many close to the negotiations noted that the three stars could have gotten a bigger pay raise if they had all negotiated together like the ‘Friends’ cast did in 1996.
The Institute of Medicine offered a possible solution in a report released yesterday: put a simple, standardized rating—zero to three stars or checkmarks—on every food package.
In another paper in the same issue, a different research team reports using Kepler data to detect a system of three stars, which includes a red giant star and two red dwarfs.
Look at the names they picked for their enterprises: Daewoo (" Great Universe "), Hyundai (" the Modern Era ") and Samsung (" Three Stars ", implying a business that would be huge and eternal).
Osiris coming was announced by Three Wise Men: the three stars Mintaka, Anilam, and Alnitak in the belt of Orion, which point directly to Osiris' star in the east, Sirius, as a sign of his birth.
Thee one-night concert was titled "East Meets West - Three Stars in Collaboration. " The trio presented solo and collaborative performances accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus.
The three spiky stars are in our own Milky Way galaxy.
The three spiky stars are in our own Milky Way galaxy.