How long have you collected shells? I have collected shells for three and a half years.
Three and a half years later, the Libyan data in the Sinjar records have become a subject of renewed interest, for obvious reasons.
It showed that the age of puberty had dropped by three and a half months over 15 years, reinforcing the results of the choirboy study.
But Mr Mittal already has in-house ore supplies to cover half his needs and expects this to grow to three-quarters in a few years.
Everett Waters, Judith Wippman and Alan Sroufe found securely attached children had sympathy toward their peers by the time they were three and a half years old.
Kepler will watch them all for three-and-a-half years and wait for the light from any of them to dim ever so slightly. That could be the sign of a planet passing in front of its sun.
After two and a half years they were still more than three kilos heavier than when the study began.
But they do know that, three and a half years after apparent boasts of victory, there are still a lot of American troops in Iraq, and the place looks an utter mess on the evening news.
They will have at least three and a half more years, though, to gather good data on upper atmospheric dynamics.
Since 2003 the median age of a prime-time CBS viewer has increased by three years, according to Nielsen, a research firm. Viewers of ABC and NBC are five years older; Fox's, seven and a half.
Among those aged between two and a half to three years, by contrast, the boys showed a bias against choosing pink and the girls showed a bias in favour of pink.
They were married three and a half years ago by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas.
Robbie Turner: Yes but, if all we have, rests on a few moments in a library three and a half years ago then I am not sure, I dont know...
Real housing prices fall on average by 36% over six years, equity prices by 56% over three-and-a-half years.
But in 2005 only just over 6% of British workers started a business or had done so in the previous three and a half years.
Over the past three years, she's had to take about a year and a half off of school, often in two - to three-month chunks.
The unlicensed driver was sentenced last month to three-and-a-half years in prison.
Researchers also discovered the husband and wife who will stay true to their 'til death us do part' vow will have met through friends –and tied the knot after three and a half years together.
Researchers also discovered the husband and wife who will stay true to their 'til death us do part' vow will have met through friends - and tied the knot after three and a half years together.
Parents were quizzed about the types and frequency of the food and drink their children consumed when they were three, four, seven and eight and a half years old.
Parents were quizzed about the types and frequency of the food and drink their children consumed when they were three, four, seven and eight and a half years old. They were marked on a.
Dr Caroline Tagg, 33, spent three-and-a-half years tapping out an 80000-word thesis about SMS texts and its language at Birmingham University.
In the preceding decade, IBM appeared to be headed into extinction. From one SEC filing, it revealed that it lost nearly a billion dollars on the PC business over three-and-one-half years.
Research has indicated that this stage generally lasts from one and a half to three years.[8]
The planet is located about 1, 400 light years away from Earth and zips around its parent star in only three and a half day.
But handsets that sport it won't show up until November or so, almost three and a half years after the iPhone's debut.
The 28-year-old joined the CSL giants on a 10 million dollar contract and he's signed for the next three and a half years.
The 28-year-old joined the CSL giants on a 10 million dollar contract and he's signed for the next three and a half years.