But despite the apparently frictionless transfer of money through the air, making a money-transfer system work smoothly requires a great deal of backstage effort.
It is a special time when great effort is made by Beings all through the higher dimensions, to get you prepared for it.
If you attempt to attack with great velocity to achieve a big fortissimo, all you will get for your effort is a hard unpleasant bottoming out which feeds back through your fingers.
We have, through continuous effort and struggle, won a great number of stable customer sources and general trading customers in electronic industry.
CCJDQ people will make great effort, in the force of the new century economy surge, buffeting her way through the waves and going ahead!
Suddenly I just want to change a green stencil-plate instead of the former, so through my great effort, now you can see a different one.
Suddenly I just want to change a green stencil-plate instead of the former, so through my great effort, now you can see a different one.