A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines.
The 240-square-metre apartment is accessible via the lower level through a double-height entrance hall with a skylight.
Thus the main polygonal wall appeared: this 20-meter long curved surface goes through all the open-space zone: entrance hall, tea room, garden, kitchen & dining zone.
Full-height glazing in the entrance hall allows light to filter through from the living space, but a 90 degree corner hides the kitchen from view.
From the playground, the main entrance connects to a walk-through space used both as a foyer for the multipurpose hall and as a dining hall.
Visitors arrive to the interpretive centre via the north entrance lobby on O'Connell Street through the grand hall of the public post office.
The entrance to the floor below is through the level of the central garden courtyard and includes a conference room, a lecture hall, a cafeteria and the upper level of the two-storey library.
Via two escalators in an enclosed yellow "tube", straight through the new entrance hall, the two exhibition areas are connected.
Harry pulled the Invisibility Cloak over himself and descended through the floors, at last walking down the marble staircase into the entrance hall.
So I went back down again, through the hall leading to the entrance, and stopped in front of the opaque glass of the door.
He skittered through the entrance and into the Great Hall to witness sheer Pandemonium, Voldemort at the center of it all.
The focal point of the construction lies at the w? Hringerstrasse, where the main entrance, accessible through an inviting hall, is located.
Through the design of entrance hall of a building, the author puts forward a kind of design concept: transforming and discusses how to apply this concept in interior design.
Lady Wang led Dalyu through an entrance hall running from east to west into the Lady Dowager's back courtyard.
Walking through the steel and glass entrance, the guests will see a clypeate service desk surrounded by the dining tables in the hall.
Upon approaching the Sendai Mediatheque, the public is led into a continuation of the surrounding city into the double height hall of the main entrance through large panes of glass.
The entrance to the house is made to the north, through a hall that links the two structures and that opens south on a courtyard defined by the 2 volumes of the house.
While private, the garden is hinted at from the street, and accompanies the visitor from the esplanade through to the entrance hall.
While private, the garden is hinted at from the street, and accompanies the visitor from the esplanade through to the entrance hall.