If a problem occurs, Hibernate will throw an exception.
No. 2: Throw an exception when needed constructor is missing.
And yes, you throw an exception by writing throw new MyBadException (...).
而且一样的,你可以通过写thrownew My BadException(…)来抛出异常。
More support for testing whether code does or doesn't throw an exception.
Some problems, like no response form the server are fatal and throw an exception.
The basic program in Listing 1 contains three methods that can all throw an exception.
The second is that the code calls a method that can throw an exception without handling it.
(Otherwise, Derby would throw an exception when it tried to create a table that already existed).
WCF Clients cannot be used inside a Using block because they may unexpectedly throw an exception.
For instance, Linda stated that a stack should throw an exception if a user attempted to place null onto it.
So this API is to invoke a service where that does not have a return value but that could throw an exception.
Unless you change this property, a command that runs for over 30 seconds will time out and throw an exception.
Note, however, that method remove is not supported and will throw an exception to that effect if invoked.
If the string can't be empty or must be in a specific format, check for the format and throw an exception.
Of course, those functions don't have any implementations yet, so calling them will just throw an exception.
Since Kid USES XML, all the templates must be well formed, or they will throw an exception during rendering.
This response should throw an exception because the temperature value is not a float type — it is actually a string.
There were two options for what should happen when the retrieval timeout occurs: return null or throw an exception.
Throw an exception whenever a run-time instantiation of the generic class does not include a needed constructor.
As Linda stated, the behavior is simple: If someone calls push with a null value, the stack should throw an exception.
If you separate the operations that can throw an exception from those that can't, the problem becomes more tractable.
This service code is generated in the form of a skeleton implementation, with service methods that just throw an exception.
Ensure that your NL product, once released, will not throw an exception due to missing keywords from the translated files.
When you publish it to outside clients, you want to check the arguments and throw an exception if the arguments are invalid.
If the server script does not check the data, either the database will throw an exception or the database will be compromised.
If you attempt to assign an SDO of a different SDO type (another author, perhaps) or a primitive, SDO would throw an exception.
If a query USES a combination of columns that are not indexed, GAE will only throw an exception at run time when the query is executed.
One thing worth knowing: When you run a program with this UI threading issue from within Visual Studio, it will always throw an exception.
It has properties, but if you try to set a property of it which is does not contain, it will not throw an exception like normal data objects.
The checkRequest() function will throw an exception if the XMLHttpRequest object has not been created or if the request has already been sent.