Located near the base of the neck, the thyroid is a large endocrine gland that produces hormones that help control growth and metabolism.
In addition to reproductive effects, animal tests have found that PBDEs can alter brain development and thyroid hormones, which regulate growth and development of cells and many key bodily functions.
Your primary doctor can test your thyroid function, and if needed prescribe synthetic thyroid hormones to help your lagging gland.
The thyroid produces hormones essential for the functioning of every cell in the body; these hormones help regulate growth and chemical reactions.
Most of that gets taken up by the thyroid and is used to make hormones that regulate metabolism.
But they theorize that it may be because the chemicals disrupt thyroid hormones, which are critical to an infant's brain development.
Thyroid hormones control your metabolism, but too much or too little can disrupt the normal chatter between brain cells.
Iodine-131 and caesium are more damaging, however. Iodine is actively taken up by the thyroid gland to make hormones.
碘- 131和铯则更具破坏性,人体的甲状腺要使用碘来制造激素。
It absorbs iodine from the diet and produces thyroid hormones, which keep the body functioning normally.
Thyroid hormones control the rate of many of the body's activities, including heart rate and how fast you burn calories.
Iodine is the essential microelement, and the primary material for thyroid to synthesize thyroid hormones.
Serum thyroid hormones in patients with affective disorder before and after treatment?
It also makes thyroid hormones that control metabolism and helps maintain the immune system.
The doctors also showed increases in blood pressure, heart rate and thyroid hormones, which are released in response to stress.
医生还出现血压升高、心率加快和甲状腺激素增加的情况,这些是由于压力而表现出来的。 。
The results indicated the upward regulation of TR in rat brain during acute cerebral ischemia is a compensatory response, which allows the maximum binding of thyroid hormones.
Objective To investigate the changes of plasma thyroid hormones during and aller heart surgery.
Objective To examine the relationship between serum thyroid hormones level with affective disorder.
Depression can induce or exacerbate cardiovascular disease, and cardiovascular disease can cause or worsen depression, both of which are closely related with thyroid hormones.
Objective To examine the relation ship between serum thyroid hormones level and depression.
Conclusions Detection of serum level of thyroid hormones combining with measure of serum proteins may contribute significantly to the prognosis of patients with advanced tumors.
Objective To study the influence of excessive iodine intake on thyroid hormones in cerebrum of filial mice and intervention of selenium.
Objective To evaluate the effect of acute leukemia (al) and combination of chemotherapy on pituitary, gonad and thyroid hormones of children.
Objective To investigate the changes of serum pituitary hormones and thyroid hormones in patients with severe brain injuries during hypothermia therapy.
Objective To observe the changes in pituitary thyroid hormones in Cushing's syndrome.
Iodine - is important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland as it is an essential nutrient required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
To investigate the relationship of thyroid hormones with excess-heat syndrome and deficiency-heat syndrome.
The patient undergoes a fine-needle biopsy of the thyroid and thyroid testing, revealing that she was deficient in thyroid hormones.
Thyroid hormones have a broad range of effects on the cardiovascular system, particularly on the heart (FIG. 1).
Serum thyroid hormones were measured by RIA in 50 patients with primary hypertension and 50 normal subjects.
Serum thyroid hormones were measured by RIA in 50 patients with primary hypertension and 50 normal subjects.