Cypress trades on the NYSE under the ticker symbol CY.
Can be customized display ticker symbol and abbreviations.
The WML requirements specify that the company's name, ticker symbol, and price should appear.
The product is simple to use, edit box ticker symbol, rather than pressing the Enter or query button.
Applications can use forms for anything from entering a stock ticker symbol to filling out a loan application.
We used this model to create an AJAX-style client that updates the stock price as you type in the ticker symbol.
Didn't know the CEO's name, the size of the company, their business, the market cap, the ticker symbol (for public companies), etc.
This operation expects a string, to be interpreted as a ticker symbol for a stock, and returns a current quote for that stock, a float value.
The company is listed on the NASDAQstock exchange under the ticker symbol GOOG and under the London Stock Exchangeunder the ticker symbol GGEA .
该公司于美国纳斯达克证券交易所上市,股票代码GOOG ,并在伦敦证券交易所,股票代码GGEA 。
REITS can be publicly traded, which means they have a ticker symbol, and you could easily look up their share price and dividend yield on the Internet.
Symbol, in this case, is a request parameter representing the requested ticker symbol, and callback is the name of your callback function in your Web application.
在这种情况下,symbol是表示请求ticker symbol的请求参数,而callback是Web应用程序的回调函数的名称。
When Chili's late owner Norman Brinker was rechristening his company in the early '90s, he wanted a ticker symbol that would reflect his growing restaurant empire.
In addition, we will also consume an Apache SOAP stock quote news service that will return a list of current news about a company, when given the company's stock ticker symbol.
Depending on how the script is written, the resulting HTTP response might be as simple as standard headers and a text string containing the current price for the given ticker symbol.
Enron Corporation (former NYSE ticker symbol ene) was an American energy company based in Huston, Texas. It was one of the world's leading electricity, nature gas, paper and communications companies.
Geller also noted that the company selected a symbol starting with the letter B to appear higher on ticker lists.
As with Strategic Hotels' symbol, a Brinker spokesperson said the company chose the ticker because it was alphabetically high on listings while still relating to its core business.
For example, assume you have a ticker object with two attributes: symbol and price. This is how you can define the ticker object in javascript.
For example, assume you have a ticker object with two attributes: symbol and price. This is how you can define the ticker object in javascript.