Southwest was so pleased with the outcome, it may use a similar model to study the ticket counter area.
After you check in at the ticket counter, the airline clerk announces that your flight has been overbooked.
Many people make their way to the ticket counter only to hear that tickets to their destination are sold out.
As a matter of fact, we did. Check it at the ticket counter. That's where we turn in the lost and found items.
At the same moment, his press secretary, Jenny Varela, was being told at the ticket counter that she had no ticket.
I walked to the ticket counter. When the ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so.
Don't worry, Sir. If you miss the flight, please go to the ticket counter and they'll make a new flight arrangement for you.
The man at the ticket counter said, "Hey, Mister, did you just win the lottery or something?You could have saved yourself three bucks."
Official ticket counter: Room 606, 211 North Wulumuqi Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai: Monday to Friday 9 a. m. –5 p. m. , 5 days a week .
The complaints we hear at the airline ticket counter are petty compared to what most people must contend with when they need to get to work or visit family.
The chip in the card also allows you to tap automated kiosks for subway and train tickets, which is a time-saver if there are long lines at the ticket counter.
你可以用卡内的芯片在地铁和火车站的自动售票亭购买车票。 当售票窗口前排起长队时,这个可是节省时间的利器。
Once, when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. Finally, there was only one family between us and the ticket counter.
When you fly somewhere, for example, you say 'thank you' to the cab driver and to the guy at the ticket counter and about nine more times before you get to where you're going.
But when I arrived at the check-in counter, I couldn't find my ticket.
I waited in line to buy the train ticket last night, but by the time I got to the counter, the tickets were sold out.
For those who had purchased the ticket, kindly redeem your ticket at the event day by providing your name and contact number to the counter-personnel.
The old system served everyone in order, just like pulling a ticket number from the dispenser at the supermarket deli counter.
The old system served everyone in order, just like pulling a ticket number from the dispenser at the supermarket deli counter.