Tidal energy has it advantages.
Using tidal energy to produce electricity is much cheaper than using the traditional energy, like coal or gas.
In addition, with the development of modern technology, tidal energy can be stored and used to produce electricity continuously.
Following is an overview of tidal energy.
Continuous energy flows include geothermal, solar, and tidal energy.
You want to use the powerful tidal energy, which means you have to overcome numerous difficulties.
Developing the clean renewable tidal energy vigorously has extraordinary significance for easing energy shortages.
To avoid an oil shortage, more productions must harness natural energy such as solar energy, wind energy and tidal energy.
The result shows that the variation of tidal-couplet thickness is closely related to the changes of tidal energy in neap-spring cycles.
In this paper, a radial piston pump with a revolving outer ring is designed for tidal energy conversion and the static characteristics of the prototype are studied.
Bay tidal wave and tidal energy reserves has been a driving force to pass laws deposition, tidal water exchange capacity development and utilization of research concern.
Two types of tidal energy can be extracted: Kinetic energy of currents due the tides and potential energy from the difference in height (or head) between high and low tides.
Hydro energy, wind energy, tidal energy and so on renewable energy source, although is inexhaustible theoretically, inexhaustible, but may the economical development quantity not be big.
AbuBakr Bahaj, in charge of the Southampton research, said: The prospects for energy from tidal currents are far better than from wind because the flows of water are predictable and constant.
负责南安普顿研究的AbuBakr Bahaj说:潮汐流的能源前景比风能要好得多,因为水流是可预测和恒定的。
And, like all Marine energy, tidal power may be easiest to produce in places where it is least needed-far away from centres of population, where connections to the national grid would be expensive.
A better bet, at least in terms of continuity of production, is tidal power, whose energy comes from the gravitational pull of the sun and moon.
The deal will eventually create Europe’s biggest operator of offshore-wind energy; both companies are big in renewable and clean energy, including solar and tidal power.
Solar energy from the summer sun and hydro/tidal power from the River Thames are also possible future energy for this part of the capital.
It is estimated that by using a combination of tidal and wind power, Scotland could produce enough energy to meet more than 80 percent of all its electricity requirements.
Designed by Saab spin-out, Minesto, the system claims to be able to increase the potential energy generated from the global tidal market by up to 80 per cent.
Luke Blunden, a researcher at the Sustainable Energy research Group at the UK's University of Southampton, is optimistic about tidal power's prospects.
英国南安普顿大学的可再生能源研究小组的成员Luke Blunden对这种方式的潮汐发电的前途抱有相当乐观的态度。
His energy minister predicts that by 2015 Gujarat will generate 10,000 megawatts from solar, wind and tidal power, enough to power three Mumbais.
His energy minister predicts that by 2015 Gujarat will generate 10, 000 megawatts from solar, wind and tidal power, enough to power three Mumbais.
A North Sea Grid would not just be a boost for the wind industry but for all renewable energy sources, including wave and tidal power, and for consumers.
One of the big advantages of their technology, Minesto executives say, is its small size — 12 meters for the wingspan and one meter for the turbine — relative to other tidal-energy designs.
One of the most promising Marine energy technologies is the tidal turbine, which was advocated in Manchester by Peter Fraenkel of Marine Current Turbines (MCT).
Compared to wind and solar energy, tidal generation has the advantage of predictability.
The swallowing of Venus and the tidal interactions with Earth will dump energy into the sun's outer layers, Villaver says.
The swallowing of Venus and the tidal interactions with Earth will dump energy into the sun's outer layers, Villaver says.