On the tidal flat, the mangrove meashes spread widely.
Tidal flat environments are favorable facies to develop karst reservoirs.
The sandstone body of Yanghugou formation deposited mostly from tidal flat and lagoon.
So enzyme activity could be used as an index for evaluation of tidal flat soil fertility.
In the second stage (Taiyuan Age), sub-tidal, tidal flat and delta occurred alternatively.
This mode goes from low to high with the heighten of filling up and enlargement of sandbank (or tidal flat). 3.
So it is very necessary to study tidal flat environment of Hengsha, and to qualitatively assess the environment.
The national nature reserve of rare bird in Yancheng is the biggest coastal nature reserve of tidal flat and wet land in China.
The northern Yellow Sea muddy coast changes, the formation of coastal landform and the natural zoning of tidal flat are analysed.
The tidal flat of China is a reserve land resources which increases at all times and has a potentiality of continuative expanding.
Coastal delta, tidal flat, Marine marsh, mangrove wetland, lagoon and sand beach are the main types of the coastal wetlands of China.
This paper introduced methods for monitoring in-situ erosion and deposition on short-time scale in shallow water and tidal flat area.
The morphologic characteristics of tidal flat and ti dal creek system in the Huanghe River Delta was studied by fractal geometry method.
The Silurian in this area is tide-controlled coastline sedimentary environment and here mainly developed the tidal flat depositional system.
The salinity of soils varies greatly with texture of soils and total salinity of seawater and ranges from< 0.5% (sandy tidal flat soil)to 3.3%.
The observation in the Nanhui tidal flat demonstrates that sand layer is deposited by storm, and clay layer is deposited during normal weather.
To this end, the authors adopted a variable boundary model to treat the tidal flat and found better results than those of the fixed boundary model.
A new wetting and drying method for the numerical tidal flow model is developed to deal with the moving boundary due to tidal waves at the tidal flat.
Brine irrigating in pot and field salt tolerant test in order to screen the salt-tolerance plants in the heavy salt soils of the Yellow river tidal flat.
The environment of Yangtze estuary tidal flat is effected by the interaction of sea and land so that the effect of tide hydrodynamic is intensity and complex.
These subfacies are considered to represent respectively the neritic basin, the littoral tidal flat and the nearshore fluviolacustrine sedimentary environments.
To some extent, scouring and silting evolution of tidal flat may reflect the relationship and interaction between dynamic effect and geomorphologic characteristics.
Grain size analyse experiment of 16 samples, taken from the tidal flat of the northwest Bohai Bay, was carried out by laser and pipette-sieve methods simultaneously.
Finally the relation of evolution of coastal zone and human activity was discussed through studying tidal flat developments and the Jiaozhou Bay's actual area reduction.
Benxi formation belongs to barrier island-tidal flat sedimentology system of terrigenous clasts coast. Reservoir sedimentary facies is mainly barrier island sedimentary.
In spring, 2004, during shorebird migratory season, a survey on the shorebird community and tidal flat environment was carried out in 10 research sites along the coastline.
The situation and problems with the northern Yellow Sea muddy coast tidal flat exploitation are discussed, and the tidal flat resources exploitation models are also proposed.
So the stability study of the Dongsha sandbank is very helpful to the analysis of the stability of the whole radial submarine sand ridges system and the neighboring tidal flat.
The unique geographic position, alluvial coast zone and colorful ecosystem of tidal flat and wet land make it be an internationally important wet land especially the habitat of birds.
The unique geographic position, alluvial coast zone and colorful ecosystem of tidal flat and wet land make it be an internationally important wet land especially the habitat of birds.