The bays and the river mouths where the tide is high (the tidal range is more than 10 metres) are usually perfect sites to build tidal power stations.
Runoff and tidal range are the main factors influencing the effects of dilution and dispersion.
The thickness of subtidal deposits and tidal-flat deposits can be used to estimate water depth and tidal range.
The rust layer accelerates the matrix corrosion in the worsening sequence of full submersible zone, tidal range zone and splash zone.
The river Severn, Britain's longest, which flows from Wales to the Bristol Channel, has a tidal range of 15 metres, the second highest in the world.
While near the estuary, most stations show significant decreasing trend in the tidal range due to intensive human activities, such as land reclamations.
These sections of the roadbed faced with the tidal range erosion problems, how to protect these road sections effectively has become the subject of this paper.
They are ail good materials for protecting the marine concrete structure exposed to the tidal range and wave-splashing area, and will be used without difficulty in the repairing work.
The authors consider that the development of the deltas is related to tidal range, wave conditions, Sediment amount flowing into the bays, bsy volume and unenclosure of sea waters off their gorse.
The Storm-surge error range due to the tidal hour and tidal level prediction error is discussed.
Maximum tidal currents generally range from 0.5 to 1.5 knots and locally up to 5 knots at narrow channels.
潮流的最高时速一般介乎0.5浬 至1.5浬之间,在狭窄的海峡,流速可高达5浬。
Maximum tidal currents generally range from 0.5 to 1.5 knots and locally up to 5 knots at narrow channels.
潮流的最高时速一般介乎0.5浬 至1.5浬之间,在狭窄的海峡,流速可高达5浬。