Of necessity they are sited near the coasts or tidal water .
The model is used to predict the tidal water level of Dahengqin station.
The mechanism of the spring-neap tidal water table fluctuations is examined.
If the phase change, while the amplitude is almost constant, tidal water level response to meet the transition state.
The briny, tidal water of the Bei River, the residents' lifeblood, has been dredged and is polluted, overfished and crowded with ships.
Thus, with the effects of seepage face taken into account, a numerical model for spring-neap tidal water table fluctuations is developed.
A few tidal projects, such as the 42-year-old barrage at rance in France, operate like traditional hydro schemes, in which tidal water simply rushes through turbines.
Bay tidal wave and tidal energy reserves has been a driving force to pass laws deposition, tidal water exchange capacity development and utilization of research concern.
Generalized water resources include river water, tidal water, wave energy, ocean current energy and other energy resources; the narrow sense refers to the river water resources, water resources.
Each tidal cycle carries plant material into the offshore water to be used by the subtidal organisms.
AbuBakr Bahaj, in charge of the Southampton research, said: The prospects for energy from tidal currents are far better than from wind because the flows of water are predictable and constant.
负责南安普顿研究的AbuBakr Bahaj说:潮汐流的能源前景比风能要好得多,因为水流是可预测和恒定的。
Made up mostly of limestone formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures, the submerged regions of the tidal flats are carved by channels where water flows between land.
As for tidal power, developers in the promising Cook Inlet must contend with glacial silt scouring turbines and partial freezing of the water in wintertime, says Mr Lockard.
It was inaugurated in 2008 and ACTS as a tidal barrier to keep seawater out, thus turning the island's most populated district into a water-catchment area and the harbour into a reservoir.
The very best options were wind, solar, geothermal, tidal and hydroelectric power—all of which are driven by wind, water or sunlight (referred to as WWS).
From just the entrance, in the southern part of the bay, up to a second slack water area, about midway up the bay, tidal currents are ebbing.
Sediments carried by the Mississippi river have a pale beige coloration in this image, with distinct margins between plumes that likely mark tidal pulses of river water into the Gulf of Mexico.
The cost of putting equipment under water and concerns about the impact on the Marine environment have kept tidal experimental, but that's beginning to change.
Before the disputes over ownership and rights to the use of certain water surfaces or tidal flats are solved, no party may disrupt fishery production in the disputed areas.
Ownership and rights to the use of water surfaces and tidal flats shall be protected by law and shall not be subject to encroachment by any units or individuals.
As for tidal power developers in the promising cook inlet must contend with glacial silt scouring turbines and partial freezing of the water in wintertime says Mr Lockard.
The flux control loop realizes the exchange between the water level value and flux value at the coupling boundary, and the water level control loop realizes tidal level simulation.
其中流量控制回路实现了物模和数模在耦合边界处水位和流量的交换; 水位控制回路实现了入海口潮汐水位的模拟。
During the slide, tidal waves move over the Earth along the coast lines, as the water is not attached and can move independently.
She demonstrates that the planet's tidal forces can indeed be strong enough to take water ice away from the satellite, but not to tear its dense silicate core.
And as icebergs are lighter than the seawater, and float atop the water, they might arrive inland during a large tidal slosh.
This paper analyses water characteristics of the tidal mouth of Xiaoqing River, and presents water quality models of one-dimension confined reach.
A one-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model for river networks is developed, according to hydraulics and water quality features of water body within a tidal river network.
A one-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model for river networks is developed, according to hydraulics and water quality features of water body within a tidal river network.