Tight credit markets have threatened to stall the economy.
Industrial production growth will contract amid tight credit conditions and weaker exports.
The Fed held a conference on the problem of tight credit to small businesses last month.
And during these times of tight credit, credit unions may be likelier to approve your loan.
Tight credit has already curbed new oil and gas development, and the trend appears likely to continue.
Of course, that doesn't mean they are buying: 60% said tight credit was preventing them from taking the.
Of course, that doesn't mean they are buying: 60% said tight credit was preventing them from taking the plunge.
This is why I feel the Tier 1 trading community is finding more opportunities than less in a tight credit environment.
A boost in sales would please dealers, too, and encourage Banks to relax their tight credit terms for dealers and suppliers.
The goal was to unfreeze tight credit and lessen the severity of an economic downturn that has spread across the globe.
Tight credit and lower credit scores have made it more difficult than ever for some people to qualify for a credit card.
As investors contend with tight credit markets, they also face weakness in the U. s. dollar and soaring commodities prices.
The Fed said the financial market turmoil will likely continue to restrain spending, partly due to the tight credit market.
A key measure of Banks' willingness to lend to each other, businesses, and consumers, showed the tight credit market is easing.
Most analysts trace America's current economic woes to tight credit conditions sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults.
Insiders pointed out that Banks are inclined to grant loans to qualified enterprises rather than individuals due to a tight credit line.
Household spending has shown signs of stabilizing but remains constrained by ongoing job losses, lower housing wealth, and tight credit.
Private demand is plunging as consumers are battered by tight credit, falling wealth and rising unemployment, while fearful firms hunker down.
Recent weeks have seen nations employ more aggressive measures to prop up financial institutions, ease tight credit, and reassure panicky investors.
Central Banks around the world have aggressively injected money into financial systems to counteract tight credit that could strangle economic expansion.
Tight credit conditions, the ongoing housing contraction, and elevated energy prices are likely to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters.
Household spending is increasing gradually, but remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit.
Tight credit conditions, the ongoing housing contraction, and some slowing in export growth are likely to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters.
Household spending is expanding at a moderate rate but remains constrained by a weak labor market, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit.
Household spending is expanding at a moderate rate but remains constrained by a weak labor market, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit.