A new adaptive blind source separation algorithm of non-stationary signals was presented by using natural gradient rule and time-correlation property of the source signals acting on a cost function.
Of course, you should have an additional thread in the application to capture transaction correlation data so that neither the core transaction performance nor response time is affected.
We use that language, but actually all you're talking about is a correlation [between physical quantities] and time can be removed completely.
Were you able to find any direct correlation between this and some event or major change in human life that occurred around the same time?
Among children who spend the same amount of time outside, the amount of near work has no correlation with nearsightedness.
Message correlation that's performed by a hosting run time is called implicit correlation from the perspective of the consumer or provider.
Therefore, WS-BPEL claims that only one request-response operation per process instance may be active at any given time for each port type, operation, correlation set, and partner link.
因此,WS-BPEL 要求,在任何给定时间,对于每个端口类型、操作、相关集和伙伴链接,每个流程实例只能有一个请求-响应操作。
For him, the correlation between basic science and industrial achievement makes sense only if you look over long time scales.
Event correlation rules recognize relationships across multiple events occurring over time.
As can be seen in the results of our benchmarks, there is a direct correlation between the amount of memory allocated in a test and the time taken for that test to complete.
There is a direct correlation between time spent on-boarding and the value of the meeting - the more time users spend in pre-event training, the fewer technical issues arise during the actual event.
What they were looking for was a correlation between the weather conditions at the time of a snowfall and the amount of water in the snow that fell.
For the first time in history, there is a wealth of research on the correlation between money and happiness. In other words, we now know what expenses bring the most value to maximize our output.
The paper first makes clustering analysis for 17 treasury bonds' daily return time series by using a suitable metrical approach based on the correlation among the bonds.
Note that you might not be able to specify a correlation name for an option depending on the combination of activation time and the particular operation that causes the trigger to fire.
The future of complex event processing at Orbitz includes event pattern monitoring capabilities. This includes real-time click stream analysis with correlation capabilities.
未来Orbitz的复杂事件处理还具有事件模式监测能力,包括实时点击序列(click stream)相关的分析和纠错能力。
"Screen time with children has a very strong correlation with childhood obesity and risk factors with heart disease later in life."
WebSphere Business Events is the run-time event correlation engine and the integrated development environment for setting up the event processing rules, flows, and interactions.
Again, you need to understand your requirements ahead of time, so that you can define the correlation context wrapper type.
After logging in, you can upload any data and leverage Google's huge search history and algorithms to see if there's a correlation over time.
Brown University study finds a new correlation between the time kids spend on digital devices and the likelihood they finish their homework.
To ensure precise correlation, synchronize the system time on the Rational Performance Tester host controller, agent, and all servers under test.
为了确保联系精确,将RationalPerformance Tester主机控制器,代理以及测试下所有服务器上的时间调至同步化。
The correlation varies according to time and different stock.
In one study, the authors just looked at the correlation between people's general sense of entitlement and their perception of time.
There is significant correlation between physical and mental awareness and physical exercise effect, but exercise time, duration and intensity have different significant correlation.
In differential mode, the effects of both SA and ionosphere are substantially removed, and the correlation time is reduced to about 1 minute.
The optimal benefit of runoff data examined with simulated inflow data and the correlation between runoff time and space.
At the same time some problems, such as negative correlation, selection of correlation coefficient, are discussed also.
Effect of the noise correlation time on the stationary probability distribution is opposite to the noise strength.
According to the time correlation function theory, the infrared spectrum of clusters can be calculated by using the molecular dynamics simulation.