There is a time-lag between theoretical research and practical applications.
Not knowing the distance, we don't know the time-lag in the signals, and cannot reconstruct the aliens' transmission.
Mr. Song:So real time is a method of processing data so fast there's virtually no time-lag between enquiry and result.
After a research on the feedback and control of the reliable time-lag of continuous-time systems with actuator failures.
The performance and failures of oil pumps for automatic transmissions can be checked through stall performance test and time-lag test.
This time-lag depends on the distance the signal has traveled through the interstellar medium: the longer the distance, the greater the time lag.
But distilling tower temperature control is a typic big time-lag system, and the control of it is always a difficult problem in coak producing industry.
There's a time lag between infection with HIV and developing AIDS.
There is a long time lag between when I do the work and when I get paid.
The unpredictability of global demand and the lag time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus.
The unpredictability of global demand and the lag-time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus.
Jet lag is caused because the body clock does not readjust immediately to the time change.
Agile development methodologies are lightweight processes that seek to minimize the time lag between identifying requirements and the delivery of working code.
A communications time lag, which simulates what astronauts and ground controllers would experience during an actual mission at an asteroid, is part of the exercise.
We call this one 'response latency' and it means that, because it takes a lot of brainpower to concoct a lie, there may be a time lag between you asking a question and the other person answering.
These differences are exacerbated by the long time lag between when applications are filed and patents are granted.
The brief time lag between the two braking systems results in cars stopping a little later than the drivers expected.
Compared with the first such report by Eurochambres published two years ago, it shows the time lag widened between 2003 and 2006.
As expected, when temperature increased, carbon dioxide followed, but at both Siple and Byrd the time lag was around 200 years - much shorter than previous studies found.
Many of them allow a pass-through of raw material price hikes, although with a few months 'time lag.
It was too much, seeing Derek again, revealing to Kyle that he was his father, plus the "time lag" hadn't completely worn off.
Gear clearance exists objectively due to gear drive. Time lag results from the clearance, which also has influence on electric speed regulation system.
Since many transformers do not carry continuous loads, advantage can be gained from the thermal time lag to carry higher peak loads without exceeding the temperature limits.
The physiological feedback of feeling full or the satiation signal comes with a time lag.
Besides, most of these people do not have the privilege to enjoy information in English and they are kind of isolated or barred with a pitiful time lag by the language valley.
So is the time lag due to the high-energy radiation travelling slower through space?
So is the time lag due to the high-energy radiation travelling slower through space?