Elapsed CPU time: This is the CPU time consumed by the thread during execution, in nanoseconds.
Elapsed time is the time it actually takes to do the work after factoring in all of the interruptions the employee has in a normal workday.
System up time indicates the elapsed time since the device was last restarted, including controlled firmware reloads as well as any unexpected device restarts.
These could include police behavior, but also factors like lighting, the time that had elapsed since the crime or whether the victim felt stress at the time of the identification.
If one or more changes were instituted, what would the future state look like in terms of total working time, elapsed time, wasted time, and efficiency?
Unlike elapsed time, in case of a declare cursor statement the CPU time is the sum of open, all fetched and close.
The output displays the user time, kernel time, and real elapsed time.
Elapsed time measured in both cases was quite close, with the elapsed time per row returned by the federated stored procedure actually somewhat less than that of the native stored procedure.
It also specifies that CPU time measurements should be done, instead of the default elapsed time, simply to illustrate how this can be accomplished.
The properties pane of this node reveals the time spent in the actual node and the total elapsed time.
The added code just saves the start time to a local variable, then computes the elapsed time at the end of the method and prints it to the console.
Indexes typically speed up queries, sometimes reducing the time required to execute the query to a fraction of the former elapsed time.
Number of waits and total wait time: the number of instances and total elapsed time when the thread was waiting while invoking a method or service.
Total working time, elapsed time, wasted time, and efficiency are calculated.
Number of blocks and total block time: the number of instances and total elapsed time when the thread was in a BLOCKED state while invoking a method or service.
Divide the figure you have calculated in step four by two (or similar conversion factor) in order to convert from ideal time to elapsed time.
Typically, says Matthews, "I want to flag any SQL or query that executes in more than 5 seconds elapsed time or CPU time."
Compound sentence: the system shall be able to display the elapsed time for the car to make one circuit around the track, and the time format shall be hh: mm: ss.
It keeps track of both "wallclock secs", which is the elapsed time from the start to the end of the tests, and CPU time, which is the total processing time on the CPU.
For an incremental increase in CPU time, the elapsed time for these queries can be significantly reduced.
Invocation elapsed time: The average, minimum, and maximum elapsed time for an invocation per interval.
This prevents the next task from starting until the time for the resource and the time allotted for moving the paper has elapsed.
The CPU time used by the calling thread will be minimal, while the overall elapsed time to complete the task takes arbitrarily long.
The recommendation is to issue RUNSTATS if the savings in total query elapsed time is much greater than the additional time to do RUNSTATS.
如果整个查询经过时间中所节省的时间比完成RUNSTATS 所增加的时间大得多,就建议发出 RUNSTATS。
You can also use the -d switch to display each system call with a time delta, representing the elapsed time in seconds since the last event.
还可以使用- D开关显示每个系统调用的时间差,时间差表示自前一个事件以来流逝的秒数。
System and user CPU time: The elapsed CPU time consumed invoking a method.
In this hypothetical example, a defect takes 16.25 hours to fix, but 12 hours of time is waste (nearly 75% of the elapsed time), which significantly increases the time that it takes to fix defects.
The total elapsed time for the Power run is 2,738 seconds, and the time for the Throughput run is 13,068 seconds.
This is the number of elapsed xseconds since boot (2) added to the time (represented in xseconds) at boot time stored in stamp_xsec.
This is the number of elapsed xseconds since boot (2) added to the time (represented in xseconds) at boot time stored in stamp_xsec.