Volcano expert Juan Carlos Carrecedo said at the time: 'There is a ball of magma rising to the surface producing a series of ruptures which generate seismic activity.
My calendar rolls over every time the ball drops in New York, and I've yet to see this cause any planetary cataclysm, except for theguy who has to mop out the drunk tank at the NYPD.
His head is up looking at the ball, the timing of his hops are fast as there is very little time spent on the ground between hops because he can't wait to get to the ball.
And we have a string here and the string is attached to this ball and the whole thing is going around and so at one moment in time this has a velocity, like so.
Visible for almost two minutes, the spiraling tail trailed a ball of moon-like light that captivated awestruck Norweigan at around 8:45 p. m. local time Wednesday.
This was not the first time I'd had a problem with Grant in the stands at a ball game.
For example, the descent of the New Year's ball in New York City's Time Square starts at 23:59:00 on New Year's Eve so that it reaches the bottom at midnight.
Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time.
The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ball AD of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.
Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time.
They are all closely guarding their own goals and at the same time each of them is trying to kick the "ball" into others' goals.
At the same time, they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket.
At the same time, these mechanisms showed the complexity about powders interaction in the high energy ball-milling.
Just squeeze your rage up into a bitter little ball and release it at an appropriate time, like that day I hit the referee with the whisky bottle.
Ginger lotus flower bud shoots in the terminal bud, flowering at the same time, stem base hypertrophy gradually to form a round ball to the cone-shaped new bulb.
Taking one ball of dough at a time, dip first into the egg white and then lightly roll in the nuts.
At the same time we need to pick up the ball which falls to the ground.
The famous footballers said that the secret of success was the time he spent in his youth practicing, just kicking away at a ball for hours on end, in an empty field with a few friends.
To get ready for butterfly, start dribbling the ball with both hands at the same time.
To do this properly, you will need to compress and roll your body into a tight ball while staying relaxed at the same time.
The famous footballer said that the secret of his success was the time he spent in his youth practising, just kicking away at a ball for hours on end, in an empty field with a few friends.
这位著名球星说,他的成功秘诀就在于年轻时花时间练球。 那时,他总是和几个朋友在一个空场上踢,一踢就是几个小时。
There was nothing in it at half-time but in the second half we were brave, we passed the ball and defended well from their set plays.
Bearing a single row thrust ball bearings to the heart, which has at the same time to bear a greater bearing axial load and radial load capacity.
This paper respectively elaborates the form, function, characteristics and training measures of ball-passing at one time in football contest.
Make at the same time we to double in double out ball type coal pulverizer work principle , operation process, movement characteristic had further cognition with increase.
Cinderella had a wonderful time. She was the most beautiful girl at the ball. The handsome Prince only danced with her.
And the iron ball with six meters in diameter can make 5 motorbikes driving and shuttling at the same time.
At the same time, experiments on PBGA solder ball laser reflow were carried out.
At the same time, experiments on PBGA solder ball laser reflow were carried out.