Since heaven and earth impermanence, one day you will lose them, will be an unlimited time at the moment repent.
The green jade grass Wei Rui, savage Fang pure Xin, don't say where, only is noiselessly enjoy time at the moment.
The warmest words in the heart, the most happy time at the moment, the best career has stopped, the most beautiful smile has bloomed.
"Referees are having a tough time at the moment, but I must say that their decision-making doesn't seem to be great in the big moments," Neville said.
Elegance, tender blend here. Enjoy the Classical, romantic time at the moment. The distance memory is carving and chiseling in the lights and shadows.
At this time at the moment, I just understand the place of "divine tree" absolute being, that is the stubborn vitality that it has any other plants and can't compare to.
I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each CD. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.
That may sound odd, but the fact is at the moment of the Big Bang, both matter and anti-matter were created for a short time, and I mean just a fraction of a second.
That may sound odd, but the fact is at the moment of the big bang, both matter and antimatter were created for a short time.
At that moment, I realized that although I was wearing the "mother's hat", the "hat" certainly didn't make me right all the time.
I thought I had all the time in the world to make the picture, and only at the last moment realized I was about to be taken out.
The hands on the clock were frozen, a reminder of time slipping away, stopped at the precise moment when my grandfather had ceased winding it.
Of course, four years is a long time. And things can change. Nowhere is that more evident at the moment than at Nokia.
That was the more joyful moment at that time since I've been living in Macau.
We want to go to the acceleration at any moment in time just the way we did that with velocity.
Indeed, closed timelike curves can make it impossible to de-fine "the universe at one moment in time."
Now I will give you not only the positions-- as I did here on the x axis - at discrete moments in time-- but I'm going to tell you exactly where the object is at any moment in time.
I realized at the moment of departure that it would be along time until I see her again.
Each time his heroine gets near her prey, he eludes her at the last moment.
Contradiction emerges only when a situation is viewed over time, because at any one moment, one factor or the other is in the ascendant.
You take everything one step at a time, you concentrate on the present moment of cooking, you do some monotonous activities (like chopping or stirring) that calm your body and mind.
I did not have time to ponder this question. At that very moment the crane entered the scene.
Photo Tip: Planning ahead is essential to getting successful photographs: Be in the right place at the right time, and be ready for a lucky moment.
No matter; we are where we are and we are too busy with other things at the moment to have time for a comprehensive review of our pensions policy.
Nadal also identified the point, at a time when he said Murray was on top, as a key moment in the match.
A scene can change dramatically depending upon the weather at any given moment. As a result, choosing the right time to shoot is of real importance.
Second place went to "at this moment in time," and third to the constant use of "like," as if it were a form of punctuation.
Second place went to "at this moment in time, " and third to the constant use of "like, " as if it were a form of punctuation.
Second place went to "at this moment in time, " and third to the constant use of "like, " as if it were a form of punctuation.