Time Controls - Control the amount of time spent online, and The Times when the Internet is available.
Over time controls in high energy and nuclear physics experiments are inevitably becoming more heterogeneous and diverse.
Aided with computer, the intelligent well control system monitors and the real-time controls are used to control back pressure of the drilling well head.
With great pride I showed her the refrigerator-freezer, the dishwasher, the washer and dryer, the electric stove with time controls, and the disposal units in the kitchen sink.
Most of the time, the rational part of the mind controls the information coming from the primitive core and makes its own decisions as to what to do and how to respond.
Being a sci-fi buff, he decided that since this is the file that controls robots, it was time to add the three laws in there.
McGraw Hill, which controls 21% of the higher education market, reported in March that its digital content sales exceeded print sales for the first time in 2015.
Since that time, critics have pointed out that the experiment was "a small case series with no controls, linked three common conditions, and relied on parental recall and belief.
Adding controls one at a time and then binding to them afterwards takes longer, but it does allow you greater control over your page.
The hacker controls them at a predetermined time to bombard the target server with useless, but intensive resource consuming requests.
The more controls you display on the screen at any time, the more time your users will have to spend figuring out how to use your interface.
The widget includes convenient controls for frequently used time Windows such as one week, one month, month to date, year to date and more.
All this can change, but it will take time, effort, a willingness to relax controls, and funding.
When the euro was introduced in 1999, supporters argued that strict controls on member states' deficits would, over time, compel weaker members to become more competitive.
One issue that will probably surprise our non -.net developers is that it is very hard to determine a controls ID at design time.
The advantage of typed DataSets is that the.net Framework plumbing allows controls to bind within the designer to help developers visualize the UI at design time.
类型化数据集的优点是:. NET框架允许控件在设计器中进行绑定以帮助开发者看到设计好的用户界面。
I'm also gonna spend some time talking about the reactor oversight process and the code of federal regulations which controls everything that happens in an operating reactor.
Using Parental Controls one can set accounts for either "bed times" or specific time limits.
But you need to remember to call the invalidation methods at the appropriate time if you create your own Flex controls from scratch.
By developing JSP TagLib controls, you can reduce the time to build business-line applications.
It takes a little time to get used to the controls and features; but that's ok - it's a computer, after all.
Now it is time to see all of the SWT controls we have discussed come together in a simple executable example: Basic1.
现在是时候来看一下我们已经在简单的可执行例子Basic 1中讨论过的所有SWT控件了。
The mount command controls the length of time that the entries are kept in cache.
The mount command controls the length of time that the entries are kept in cache. The mount parameters you can change include
The TcpTimedWaitDelay parameter, which controls the amount of time the operating system waits to reclaim a port after an application closes a TCP connection, has a default value of four minutes.
At design time, you can place these four controls on a single row, with two additional labels.
Memory resource controls for a WPAR are specified using the mkwpar command at the time of WPAR creation or by chwpar.
WPAR的内存资源控制可以在创建 WPAR 时使用mkwpar命令或通过 chwpar 指定。
CPU resource controls for a wpar can be specified using the mkwpar command at the time of wpar creation or by chwpar.
Using the KPI History and Prediction widget, users can also specify the time period through simple controls that allow for powerful analysis over time periods.
Using the KPI History and Prediction widget, users can also specify the time period through simple controls that allow for powerful analysis over time periods.