The more sand falls, the more time has passed.
Perhaps so much time has passed that there will never be satisfactory answers to the cave images, but their mystique only adds to their importance.
Time has passed, 20 years already.
Time has passed, but my physical pains didn't get any obviously alleviated.
You can't return it becasue too much time has passed since you purchased it.
Now when I awaken from naps, it usually feels like much more time has passed.
All posts dated in the future will not appear on the site until that time has passed.
The time has passed for five-years, Oushennuo has been about one of the top brands list.
Even if you love me so I can only wait so long, time has passed and I'm starting to forget.
The only way to regain network access before the allotted time has passed is to reboot the computer.
I believe enough time has passed for them to have reasonably fixed the problem, and they have not.
Once enough time has passed, however, all of the matter around will end up being sucked into black holes.
This prevents the influx of any new combatants for either side until a specific amount of time has passed.
Time has passed, it seems you can see the stars each eye, I still like the first time also, as can resist.
More important, it directly addressed the myth of the mainframes as an outdated technology whose time has passed.
If sufficient time has passed and those values are not set, the AdminP request did not complete successfully.
Acts help divide the play into sections and often indicate that time has passed or you have moved to a different location.
The funny thing is that when either of us do pick up the phone and start chatting, it's as though no time has passed.
Dodging the question, he tells her that Lincoln's attorneys had a chance to present new evidence, but that time has passed.
When a defect does not synchronize with a counterpart (assuming that the fixed delay time has passed), complete this procedure.
No matter the time has passed, or are we gradually forget, and I believe that we are all so we are all inside the nostalgia.
Of the iron and steel industry, it expanded the time has passed, cost high demand of poor era may continue for two or three years.
As time has passed, so the laureates have generally had to wait ever longer for recognition from Sweden's Royal Academy of Science.
Any hasty passage of time, he served as time has passed turn, we'll never change is my deep and difficult to resolve your thoughts!
First she had a lot of sad, a lot of anger, now, time has passed for more than two months, her attitude toward life gradually clear up.
He knows that some time has passed and some of the other characteristics he remembers may have changed, even though she is still the same person.
Well feel calmer after some time has passed, and even if you still need to have the conversation, you might be able to broach it more productively.
Well feel calmer after some time has passed, and even if you still need to have the conversation, you might be able to broach it more productively.