If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense, stocks go up in the long run.
Discrimination by age, long-term unemployment, the fact that they're now at the end of the hiring queue, the lack of time horizon just does not make it sensible to invest in them.
The answer for investors depends on their time horizon.
A group of appointments slotted over a specific time horizon.
But for investors, the imperative is to define one's time horizon.
What level of detail or aggregation is required, and what is the proper time horizon?
Please note that recommendations in Jubak's Picks are for a 12 - to 18-month time horizon.
They have come face-to-face with the "shrinking time horizon" that older people routinely live with.
Determine your asset allocation and stick with it until your time horizon or other factors dictate a shift.
Exponential bounds for ruin probabilities of an infinite time horizon are derived by martingale method.
Therefore, we need a time origin, and only starting from this time horizon, we can close very existence.
That has sometimes meant trading faster and faster, with a time horizon of milliseconds rather than months.
Building ships takes 17 years, and they need to last another 50-a time horizon that would confound most investors.
You buy something that's down 30% but it's got another 50% to go and I think it just has to do with time horizon.
I would now expect the time horizon of this financial crisis to be measured in years rather than in weeks or months.
Compared to comprehensive plans, urban design plans generally have a short time horizon and are typically area or project specific.
Even so, the fact that America and Iraq are both suddenly talking about a "time horizon" for the withdrawal of troops is not a bad thing.
The two-time Horizon League coach of the year had Butler ranked No. 5 nationally this year, and unbeaten entering the NCAA tourneys.
The hedging level and time horizon depend on the risk profile, which is derived from the business model of the respective Group company.
It is therefore suggested that the most meaningful time horizon to keep in mind for the current exercise is the medium term, i.e. 15 to 20 years.
Long vs. short term orientation - describes a society's "time horizon," or the importance attached to the future versus the past and present.
But with a population as large as China's and over a long time horizon, the consequences of small differences in the fertility rate are far reaching.
Maximising shareholder wealth is maximising purchasing power or maximising the flow of discounted cash flow to shareholders over a long time horizon.
The value effect works on a much longer time horizon than momentum, so that investors using those models may be buying what the momentum models are selling.
However, that still creates an opportunity for old-fashioned investors who do not rely on borrowed money and who can buy on the basis of a five-year time horizon.
To overcome the moral hazard, we must increase the inhabitant's travel rate, widen the time horizon of the travel agencies, and improve the market competition.
However, most of the practical queues system are running over a finite-time horizon; their performance depends on the systematical time and initial conditions.
However, most of the practical queues system are running over a finite-time horizon; their performance depends on the systematical time and initial conditions.