There was a time when each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, testing students in every subject.
I was caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise I would have not kept you waiting for such a long time.
When the tomato plants' stems were cut, 25 ultrasonic pain sounds were recorded in an hour, and at the same time, 15 ultrasonic pain sounds were recorded from the tobacco plants.
Fortunately he was sent to the hospital in time. If he had been delayed half an hour, he would have not been still alive.
In India, the introduction of better lighting was found to increase the amount of time students spent studying at home by over an hour, with a significant impact on test scores.
In this scenario, you might seek an hour or two of a professional's time just to sketch out a basic financial-planning framework.
When the data has just been moved into that table, it contains in our scenario information that is no more than an hour old, plus a small delta corresponding to the time required to execute the step.
Because sun breaks down its effectiveness over time, if you're going to be in direct sunlight for an extended period, reapply every hour or two.
But the truth is there's plenty of time in each and every day to accomplish your most important tasks and it only takes about half an hour a day to set yourself up for success.
Does time speed up in dreams so that 10 minutes "outside" becomes an hour during the dream?
This is an ambitious project where for the first time in history, people all over the world will be invited during the same hour, to take a photo that captures their health.
Arizona never adopted the new time plan on the grounds that it was too hot out to "spring forward" an hour in the summer.
In this example, DB2 performed 1150 lock escalations within an hour time period.
在这个示例中,DB 2在一小时中增加了1150个锁。
On air wrist Watch shows time in an extraordinary minimal way. While LED display shows minutes in number, its position shows us the current hour.
Pena, who ran the New York marathon in November, finished the race in five hours eight minutes, half an hour faster than his Big Apple time.
In American prime-time television, advertising interruptions added up to 18 minutes an hour last year, up from 13 minutes an hour in 1992, according to Parks Associates.
For example, the last time I bought a new iPhone, I stood in the store for what felt like an hour weighing the pros and cons of spending an extra $100 for the 32-gigabyte version.
Passengers will ultimately be able to speed from the Italian city of Milan to Zurich in less than three hours and further north into Germany, cutting the journey time by an hour.
For the rest they could meet only in the streets, in a different place every evening and never for more than half an hour at a time.
In a study of British managers at the time, he found that they worked without interruption for more than half an hour "about once every two days".
The data also revealed that on Mondays after the switch to standard time-when we gain an hour of sleep-there's no significant differences in sleep or injuries.
By the time an ambulance reached Dukes, an hour later, she was nearly dead from a blood clot in her lungs. She died soon after reaching the hospital.
I try to convey the idea that I am theirs for an hour (or however long the presentation is) and that during that time I want to help them in any way I can.
I worked a full-time regular job while I wrote my first novels, scraping out an hour here or there in evenings and weekends.
Depending on the application's popularity, attacks can range from only a few an hour to several hundred or thousand in the same time period.
Sometimes they drove to the grounds of rich men, whose properties were so large that they could not keep track of cars that parked in dark corners for half an hour at a time.
Full-time: It was an even match for a while but in the last half hour United took control and took Spurs apart with devastating speed and precision.
After a short time a porter came and informed me that a special was running and would be in in half an hour.
After a short time a porter came and informed me that a special was running and would be in in half an hour.