And last quarter, it grew more quickly than at any time in the past six years.
Rich history that offers views of the state of the project at any time in the past.
For the second time in the past eight years, a new name was added to the death toll.
It is situated in a fragile rock matrix that has already collapsed some time in the past.
Many individuals and families have changed their names or adopted an alias at some time in the past.
We use the present perfect tense to talk about something that happened at an indefinite time in the past.
He has used force every time in the past in an effort to portray himself as defender of both law and order.
Huai-an unforgettable time in the past, forget the number of pregnant mothers kiss from me, how many kisses.
I lay in bed thinking about last time in the past year, have a sweat, had happy, had a sad, there have been grateful.
Capacity utilisation is higher than at any time in the past decade and severe skill shortages have caused wages to rocket.
'Choi is someone who helped me in a difficult time in the past, and I received her help on some of my speeches,' she said.
It is estimated that nearly 100,000 older people have logged on to sites like Facebook for the first time in the past year.
"Choi is someone who helped me in a difficult time in the past, and I received her help on some of my speeches, " she said.
It is estimated that nearly 100, 000 older people have logged on to sites like Facebook for the first time in the past year.
A survey released by the central bank in December showed consumers more concerned about prices than at any time in the past decade.
Using buttons, you can move forward or backward in time, to go back to any date and time in the past and return to the current time.
We use the past perfect continuous tense to show that an action started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.
The questions often ask the job seeker to tell about or describe a time in the past when they had to respond to a certain situation.
Nerds tend to spend a lot of time in the past and future, but to achieve happiness you have to cultivate the skill of living in the present.
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - U.S. consumer confidence slipped again in January, setting a record low for the third time in the past four months.
Opened a new chapter in the history, we will soon celebrate the fast pace of urban life, one time in the past, every moment we are in progress.
People are more at ease and the fears about us have largely disappeared, in fact we find that we are being welcomed more than any other time in the past.
A 1973 survey of human societies determined that 80 percent of them, at some time in the past or more modern times, practiced this intentional killing of babies.
Comparison between a current share price, portfolio of shares or a stock index and the price of the same instrument, portfolio or index at a given time in the past.
Last week scientists from Northern Arizona University reported in the journal Science that temperatures in the Arctic were now higher than at any time in the past 2, 000 years.
The hexadecimal number named jsessionid is the key to the Geronimo session handler and provides the system with information about you that at some time in the past you provided.
To do this, use the find utility to locate and review all files you've accessed or changed during a certain time period — today, yesterday, or at any date or segment of time in the past.
Although China is often criticised by us politicians for running a large trade surplus, this is the second time in the past 12 months that Chinese data have revealed imports outstripping exports.
It is not listed in a certificate revocation list (CRL), which ensures that past subscribers (in other words, those that are no longer customers but were at some time in the past) are denied service.
它没有列入证书撤销列表(certificate revocation list,CRL)中。这样可以确保不为那些过去的订阅者(换句话说,就是那些在过去的某个时间段中是客户,但现在已不再是客户的人)提供服务。
It is not listed in a certificate revocation list (CRL), which ensures that past subscribers (in other words, those that are no longer customers but were at some time in the past) are denied service.
它没有列入证书撤销列表(certificate revocation list,CRL)中。这样可以确保不为那些过去的订阅者(换句话说,就是那些在过去的某个时间段中是客户,但现在已不再是客户的人)提供服务。