Time is of the essence as people are dying and soon the aliens have full control.
Because time is of the essence, it is also very important to know how soon we could get the samples.
When time is of the essence, we cannot afford to have the life-saving supplies going to the wrong places.
So if a few little tricks can manipulate us into thinking that time is of the essence, why not give them a try?
Seller acknowledges and agrees that time is of the essence with respect to its performance under this Agreement.
"Time is of the essence," said Dr Margaret Chan, Representative of the WHO Director-General for Pandemic Influenza.
"Everyone, including Mr. Olmert, realizes that time is of the essence, and that it's time for decisions," he said.
For some problems like climate change, time is of the essence, but to quote Martin Luther King again, the time is always ripe to do right.
With the liberation of the planet at stake, time is of the essence and Mace must rally the natives for their final stand against the Separatist invaders.
Time is of the essence, for the longer you wait to seal the deal, the lower the sum you will end up being given - or at least it looks that way from where I sit.
The pass renders quite quickly and since it is a Global Illumination (GI) solution, it is an excellent tool when time is of the essence, and GI quality is required.
Time is of the essence in many of these cases. In some instances, claims may be barred if they are not brought within a short time after the date of the occurrence.
In international trade time is of the essence, so it is natural that the buyer usually insists that shipment be made before a specified deadline or within a period of time.
Time is of the essence. You are born and you will die. Don't waste the time in between. Use a time management system to control events, rather than have events controlling you.
Both Parties recognize that time is of the essence in this Agreement and that each party's failure to fulfill their obligations hereunder shall result in expense and damage to the other.
What I found is that unless I am on top of my game and choosing to "be productive", I easily fall back into the pit of procrastination, where time is never "of the essence".
What I found is that unless I am on top of my game and choosing to “be productive”, I easily fall back into the pit of procrastination, where time is never “of the essence”.
Whenever you give your time, you are making a sacrifice, and sacrifice is the essence of love.
It is important to give yourself a relaxed schedule, as the essence of the Annapurna Circuit is the area's tranquil ability to cease time.
Jim Collins: But, the essence of it is this. You're on a climb, it's an onsite go, which means it's your first time on the route.
It is time for a paradigm shift and [while] alignment does not capture the essence of the needed change, [...] neither do processes, fusion nor diffusion.
Love is the only time shifting empty the essence of things, so how could it have a name be capture?
Blessed be these word for they are given and received in Holy truth. Abide by them. Time is now of the essence.
The essence of marriage, that haven side, at the same time, it is also a self tempered.
Peak power micro marketing is in full pack several tutorials are summarized with practice after period of time, to determine the method useful and launch, so some contain the essence of tutorial.
The exact understanding of time and its essence is a fundamental problem for contemporary scientific philosophy.
To formulate laws based on a static concept of time, such as 'balance of nature, ' is to misconstrue the essence of the process.
To formulate laws based on a static concept of time, such as 'balance of nature, ' is to misconstrue the essence of the process.