Since the success of her novel, people shake her hand who once wouldn't have given her the time of day.
Wind speed changes from time to time, depending on the time of day, weather and location.
Since the apps are very easy to use, they also do good to customers: we can now have meals delivered at any time of day.
Greet people and hope that they have a good day whatever time of day it is.
Lunch break at the hotdog stand in the park is the most enjoyable and interesting time of day for me.
A lot of students want to work then, so it is really rare for us to have an open spot at that time of day.
Although I spoke to him a number of times, it was only to pass the time of day.
I only passed the time of day with him. We didn't talk about anything important.
At this time of day you need to filter out the red light to take a good photo.
You can also specify the start and ending period by either date or time of day.
That way you'll see if the mood around the building changes with the time of day.
The shops and offices pour millions of lookers into the streets at this time of day.
Just to pass the time of day with him — (shivers.) Like a raw wind that gets to the bone.
This assertion takes care of the Time of day point of variability in our business process.
此断言处理业务流程中的 Time of day 可变点。
Finally, just as time of day can have local relevance, the date can have cultural relevance.
The amount of sugar in our blood stream varies with the time of day, as does our temperature.
If the time between tokens varies according to the time of day, you can use a timetable trigger.
So before the trains could run nationally, they had to get everyone to use the same time of day.
You'll get your miles in during the warmest time of day and come back with a smile on your face.
Your body temperature dips at this time of day, just like it does before you go to bed at night.
she hasn't given you the time of day simply because you haven't given her the time of day either.
He knew his wife was a fast driver and could make the trip in maybe forty minutes that time of day.
Digg rates, for example, depend on the time of day that a story is posted and the category it belongs to.
That could be me before the blow-drying and eyeliner, and it's definitely Al Szekeley at any time of day.
It is available anytime and anywhere-regardless of season, climate and time of day-and is practically inexhaustible.
When a company goes down, the administrator must respond —and this could easily mean any time of day, night, or week.
The idea was to run applications on demand and change what is available depending on the time of day and user activity.
This takes the most common standard date formats: ISO dates (including year), just a time of day, or an offset in minutes.
This takes the most common standard date formats: ISO dates (including year), just a time of day, or an offset in minutes.