You can increase the throughput — speed up the whole system — if you delay single processes within the system at the right time, for the right amount of time.
Unless you measure carefully, you don't know the true average access time or throughput of your disk subsystems.
Throughput, coupled with response time and a model of your users' activity, can help you determine how many users your system can handle (load) within a given timeframe.
Given "acceptable" response time for a set of operations, determine maximum transaction throughput a system can achieve.
The performance of applications can be described in terms of two distinct properties: throughput and response time.
If the system is not fully utilized and the QMPL time is high (when compared to the execution time), then there is potential to achieve more throughput by increasing the number of threads.
The profiles of the transaction, throughput/concurrency, and response time curves are shown in Figure 1.
Proper utilization of this pipe can have a profound effect on the response time, throughput, and reliability of the application and the system overall.
While reviewing the performance data presented in the upcoming Part 2 of this paper, please keep in mind that the measurements are based on the total execution time, not throughput.
在分析即将发布的本文的第 2部分中提供的性能数据时,请记住,这些测量是基于总执行时间而不是吞吐量的。
At the end of the day, there still needs to be adequate underlying physical CPU capacity to meet response time and throughput requirements when partitioning CPUs.
You may get guaranteed response time, but this will come at the cost of overall throughput of the system.
Figure 3 shows the relative impact on message throughput (messages processed per unit of time) associated with each of the four message formats discussed.
As physical database locks are held for a longer time duration than with an optimistic locking strategy, there is more of a chance for performance and throughput being impacted.
The average use case will end up with lots of small messages, and the end-to-end communication overhead when remote interfaces were involved had a major impact on response time and throughput.
Throughput metrics which track throughput over a period of time.
Does the organization have any software framework components or products which improve the performance of the solution in terms of transactional response time and throughput?
The Throughput run had five times the equivalent workload of the Power run, but it took only 4.77 times the execution time of the Power run.
吞吐量运行的工作负载是能力运行的五倍,但它所花的时间仅仅是能力运行的 4.77 倍。
You get all of the gain of static SQL, including making response time stable, reducing security risks, increasing throughput, improving manageability, and none of the pain.
If set to too low, this field reduces the throughput by throttling the CPU usage, in turn affecting performance (that is, increasing wait time of an application's request to be served).
If all other variables are held constant for the purposes of comparison, then the throughput is proportional to the inverse of the processing time.
Throughput issues are generally caused by increased wait time during request processing due to contention of resources (CPU, memory, disk, thread pool, connection pool, etc.).
Measurements such as responses per second, servlet response time and number of backend accesses provide the maximum throughput to be expected.
Under some circumstances, such as slow network throughput, the Ajax call is not completed after pausing for a specific time and will lead to the failure of the test cases.
The primary purpose of a cache is to reduce service time and increase throughput by reusing the results of a previous computation.
Because pv cannot calculate the total number of bytes to expect in the transfer, it shows throughput so far, time elapsed, and a special indicator that reflects activity.
GC and message processing overhead of handling larger messages on ServiceA does not affect the high throughput and low response time performance of ServiceB as dramatically.
You use it when you need to get the absolute fastest possible processing time (and hence throughput) from your application and still maintain some degree of transactional atomicity in your processing.
In reality, throughput is affected by a large number of variables including message arrival rate, message processing time, multiprocessing and scheduling, and resource constraints.
Lazy sweeping improves the response time of the garbage collector and increases its throughput.
Lazy sweeping improves the response time of the garbage collector and increases its throughput.