I first met Oprah back in 1988, when I spent three days reporting a TIME profile of her.
For example, at CERN where the red line is measured, all the protons are included in the time profile.
If there are a lot of sentences that don't make sense, it will show that you haven't put in much thought or time into writing your dating profile.
Having these common profiles pre-configured in the image again saves significant deployment time, compared to traditional deployment processes where profile creation is done later via scripting.
Once you have the profile of the native-memory use over time, you need to decide whether you are seeing a native-memory leak or are just trying to do too much in the available space.
Candidates can logon to your profile and download renewed confirmation letters with new time.
ARFM continues to profile the gold traffic and increase the expected service time due to the higher actual service times it is now seeing.
You can profile (collect response time breakdown data from) a running distributed J2EE application in a development environment.
Storing a single profile item is useful, but most data changes over time, particularly when you talk about energy usage.
The profile (Figure 15) also shows that quite a lot of time is being spent in regular expression processing, so you should also cache the parsing results.
You can also release the profile from time to time, but be aware of the consequences: it creates a checkpoint that prevents certain changes, that version cannot be deleted, and so on.
Several partition profiles can be combined into a system profile that allows the defined partition set to be started at the same time.
The Advanced Business Modeling user profile should be used to add run-time requirements, such as input criteria for controlling task execution and use of repositories.
A good place to start is to capture a profile and start examining which routines consume the most CPU time.
In general, a partition profile specifies operating system boot time resource requirements, such as the desired amount of memory, processor entitlement, adapters, and so on.
By providing these when you create profile items, you can set the time that the created profile item is valid for.
At operating system boot time, the system administrator selects which profile a partition is booted with.
A new version is created every time the profile is saved, and older versions are not removed.
Each time the authorizations were updated after the group membership change, the profile was applied to the then current group.
DLPAR operation might have altered partition resources (including memory, processor, and adapters) at run time after it is booted with a partition profile.
In their second iteration, the WS-I folks pulled attachments out of the basic profile - BP 1.1 - and fixed some of the things they missed the first time around.
在第二个工作循环中,WS - I人员将附件从基本概要(BP 1.1)中分离出来,并对第一版中一些没有讨论的内容进行了补充。
You can mark a profile as the default profile under an installation directory at profile creation time, as you can see in Figure 1.
One investor who is low profile but has a great track record always insists on backing first-time entrepreneurs.
Those who spent more time updating their profile on the social networking site were more likely to be narcissists, said researchers.
Why do men cheat? This question is splashed across magazine covers every time there's a fresh high-profile cheating scandal.
INSEAD climbed two spots since the previous ranking in 2008, pushing Canada's Queen's School of Business (Queen's Full-Time MBA Profile) out of the top slot.
At the same time, the low-profile library and history collection are hoping to bask a little in the film's afterglow.
This question is splashed across magazine covers every time there's a fresh high-profile cheating scandal.
Because a new version is created every time that the profile is saved, its size can grow quickly, which can significantly affect performance (both in terms of memory usage and speed).
Because a new version is created every time that the profile is saved, its size can grow quickly, which can significantly affect performance (both in terms of memory usage and speed).