It's a time to begin the process of self-reliance and self-motivation.
So this is the time to begin providing auditory stimulation.
The night was over and it was time to begin the unplanned part of the journey.
Campaigning in Iowa, Hillary Clinton said: "It is time to begin ending this war."
It would be a great time to begin working out at the gym or in sports more often.
Now that you have all the files you need, it's time to begin the real work of this Ajax overhaul.
When you have completed one to twenty with the dot CARDS it is time to begin the second step.
It was the time to begin. We were invited to the church and sat in several rows at right front.
Now that you've learned the background, it's time to begin simplifying your navigation with jQuery.
现在您已经了解了背景,接下来使用 jQuery简化您的导航。
It's a great time to begin a new and vigorous exercise program, but avoid going overboard - it won't be easy!
Mark Twain once noted, "The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction."
"The best time to begin obesity prevention efforts for the next generation is actually prior to birth," he says.
Therefore, we must have at under the guidance of experienced doctors to determine what time to begin treatment.
This same new moon will encourage an interest in fitness and health too, and will make it a good time to begin exercising.
The best time to begin discussing salary is after you are sure the hiring manager understands your 'value' to the company.
Having a precise time to begin taking focused action is one of the most important elements of a well thought out goal strategy.
He said it is clear nothing has changed in Iranian nuclear policy, and so it is time to begin talking about new economic sanctions.
WASHINGTON —A new analysis of the best time to begin HIV treatment found that starting early sharply improves survival, doctors said Sunday.
Once you've finished writing your list of goals for the short -, medium -, and long-term, it is time to begin to achieve and accomplish them!
WASHINGTON - a new analysis of the best time to begin HIV treatment found that starting early sharply improves survival, doctors said Sunday.
Now that physicists have entered the yocto-realm in measurements, some are wondering whether it is time to begin to look at new prefixes for the SI system.
When the team has finished planning, tagging tests with their proper iterations, and assigning them to the appropriate owners, it is time to begin testing.
"We're moving this out as quickly as we can," said Oregon's public health director, Dr. Mel Kohn, who hopes shipments arrive in time to begin some vaccinations on Monday.
Good marriages do not just happen. There is much preparation that is required and the best time to begin is now - before you get into a serious relationship with someone.
It's time to begin with your typical Hello world example, followed by a description of the various Eclipse Forms widgets, and we'll conclude with a more concrete real-world example.
现在可以开始介绍典型的Hello World示例了,后面对各种EclipseForms小部件进行描述,最后介绍一个更具体的真实示例。
It's time to begin with your typical Hello world example, followed by a description of the various Eclipse Forms widgets, and we'll conclude with a more concrete real-world example.
现在可以开始介绍典型的Hello World示例了,后面对各种EclipseForms小部件进行描述,最后介绍一个更具体的真实示例。